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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Anyone remember all the words to a poem back around vietnam war that starts out.

Question: Anyone remember all the words to a poem back around vietnam war that starts out!.!.!.!?
Dear Mom and Dad,
My tour is through but there is something I must ask of you
I have a friend oh such a friend!.!.!.
I can't remember the rest any help!?!?
Another poem!.!.
Dear God,
Why does mommy cry when she looks at me!?
It has alot of questions and references to a little girls brother that ends up by readin through the lines that he died from drug overdose!.!.!.Why is mommy in that black dress!.!.Whats in that pretty box!.!.!.God where's Roy!? is the last sentence!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Dear Mom and Dad,
the war is done
my task is through;
and, Mom, there's something
I must ask of you!.

I have a friend,O such a friend!.
he has no home you see;
and so,Mom, I'd really like
to bring him home with me!.

Dear Son we don't mind
if someone comes home with you:
I'm sure he could stay
perhaps a week or two!.

Dear Mom and Dad,
there's something you must know,
now please don't be alarmed;
my friend in battle was recently shot!.
and now he has no arm!.

Dear Son: don't be afraid
to bring him home with you, perhaps he could
stay a day or two!.

Dear Mom and Dad:
but he's not just a friend,
he's like a brother, too;
that's why I want him home with us,
and like a son to you!.

Before you give your answer,
Mom, I really don't want to beg;
but my friend in battle was recently wounded,
and also lost a leg!.

Dear Son:
it hurts me so much to say,
the answer must be no;
for Dad and I have no time
for a boy who is crippled so!.

So months went by and a letter came!.
it said their son had died;
when they read the cause of death!.
the shock was "suicide"!.

Days later when the casket came!.
Draped in the Army's flag:
they saw their son lying there!.
without an arm, and without a leg!.

Author unknownWww@QuestionHome@Com

Stormy heart, blackened eyes!.
Home torn apart under rainy skies!.
Little one asks, "Why does Mommy cry!?"
Big sister's answer, "I don't know why!."
Yet Mommy stays and tells herself lies!.
"It will get better!." But still Mommy cries!.

Stormy night!. "No more," Mommy said!.
Home torn apart, and now Mommy's dead!.
They took Daddy away
from where she had bled!.
Little one asks, "Why did Mommy die!?"
Big sister's answer, "I don't know why,
but now Daddy's gone and Mommy won't cry!."Www@QuestionHome@Com