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Question: Breaking Dawns Cover!?
whats do u think of the new breaking dawn cover!?
ive seen some awsome answers and i wanna see if there r anyother thoughts on it all!
pleaz tell me wht u think!
keep ur mind wide open!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I answered this question just a second ago so I'm going to copy that answer and paste it here!. My answer rocked, lol!.

I love chess! Wonderful cover art!!

You would have to play chess to understand!. The Queen is a very powerful player yes but the pawn can be also!. And the pawns are the ones that look all innocent then come out of nowhere to make the move and win the game!.

The white Queen represents Bella (in my opinion) and the red pawn Edward (again in my opinion and knowledge of the game) but neither is shown winning or losing!. The Queen is up front being powerful and important, but the pawn has a power too and that power is unknown!. The red pawn can take (or some say kill or capture, ie change) the queen turning her into it's sides most powerful player the red queen!.

So Edward will be turning Bella into a vampire!.!.!. the powerful red Queen!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think that the queen chess piece represents Bella because in chess a good strategy is to capture the queen (makes it easier to get to the king to ultimately win)!. the pawn in the back is a different color representing the other side, lurking in the shadows to get the queen!. So it's like the vampire enemy is coming for Bella!. :]

I dunno!. That's how I interpret it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

ive already answered this question so i am just going to copy and paste my answer:

I think it is a representation of a war between the cullens and the volturi or the werewolves (not really sure about that one)

But i have a theory that Bella's life will become like a game of chess how one move can affect the whole game the whole result that could decide whether she wins or loses, lives or dies, ends happy or sad, and how each piece in the game is important whether it be a pawn or the king, in the end they have all made their difference!.

the chessboard is just a symbol , as for the red and white i think its mainly just repitition and isnt really anything important!.

hmmmm!.!.!. well thats what i think anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


and send me yer manuscript and why oh why would i steal it!?!?

i wanna read a story from a 14 year old lawlietxiii at y!.com

i'll send you mine too, once it reached chapter IIIWww@QuestionHome@Com

i think its awesome!. at first i didn't understand it but i think it means that there is going to be a battle kinda like in chess you have to out stragetize your opponent!. i just hope that the book is good!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

to be honest, ahve heard soooo many different theories, i don't know what to believe anymore!. lol
i am confused!

I'm just wondering what it means! I cant wait to read the book and find out! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com