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Question: What are some good romance novels!?
I LOVE reading romances that take place a long time ago!. My favorite styles of writing are fantasy and historical fiction!. I don't care if they're series or not!. I'm not fond of things that take place in modern time so could you try to keep it " olden timey"!? My fave books are East by: Edith Pattou and Reincarnation by: Suzanne WeyneWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
YES!!! High five!!! I'm so happy someone else has read East!. It was amazing!.

Try; *deep breath*

- The Gemma Doyle Trilogy by Libba Bray
- The Luxe and Rumors by Anna Godbersen
- The Darkangel Trilogy by Meredith Ann Pierce
- The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley
- The Door in the Hedge by Robin McKinley (It's pretty short)
- The Goose Girl/ Enna Burning by Shannon Hale
- The Princess Academy by Shannon Hale
- Trickster's Choice/Trickster's Queen by Tamora Pierce (not entirely romance, but they still have some good bits)
- Almost anything written by Tamora Pierce has at least SOME romance in it!. Especially those that take place in Tortall!.
- The Chanters of Tremaris trilogy by Kate Constable

Hope you find something good to read!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Here are some excellent historical fiction suggestions, and they all contain at least underlying romance:

-Anne of Green Gables series by Lucy Maud Montgomery (this series has eight books overall, the first one being Anne of Green Gables)!. This series takes place in the early 1900s, and is about a hot-headed, stubborn orphan girl who finds a way of fitting into the little town of Avonlea on Prince Edward Island!. As the series progresses, the main character (Anne) grows up, marries, etc!.!.!.

-Anything by Jane Austen, such as Pride and Prejudice, Emma, Persuasion, etc!.!.!.Many of her books are about women of the 1800s and their attempts at fitting into society, finding romance/love, etc!.!.!.

-Little Women by Louisa May Alcott - This is about four sisters in the 1860s, and it portrays how the sisters grow up, find romance/love, etc!.!.!.

As for something fantasy, I personally haven't read any fantasy novels that are heavy on romance!. But, I haven't read it yet (although I do plan on it), I have heard the book called A Great and Terrible Beauty (and its sequels) is good; the series is called the Gemma Doyle trilogy, and is written by Libba Bray!. From what I have read and heard, this would be just up your alley - these books are fantasy and take place in the 1800s!. I have heard a lot of good and positive feedback about this book!.

Best wishes!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I just finished reading "Dream When You're Feeling Blue" by Elizabeth Berg!. It takes place during WWII!. It was a really good book!.
Another good book i recently read was "Water For Elephants" by Sara Gruen!. It's set in the 30's I believe!.
My list of all time favorite historical romance novels include:
"Rebecca" Daphne Du Maurier
"Thorn Birds" Colleen McCullough
"Gap Creek" RObert Morgan
All are really good books!. I hope you enjoy!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight is good but you're looking at adult romantic novels I think!. I love them too I'll just give you some of my fave authors!.
Johanna Lindsey is more olden days "A man to call my own is good she's one of my favorites!.
also: Kat Martin
Eloisa James
Kasey Micheals
Lori Foster and Mary Janice Davidson are funny but modern time

I Hope you enjoy I did :P
Happy ReadingWww@QuestionHome@Com

The Twilight series, as mentioned before!. :] And any books by Nicholas Sparks and Anita Shreive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


1 word: TWILIGHT!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i agree twilight is amazing!. also u should read wuthering heights!Www@QuestionHome@Com