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Question: HELP!! old childhood book!.!?
im trying to remember this book i loved when i was young!. there were two girls, one may or may not have been named diane, one had black hair, they might have been orphans!.!.!.!. the part that really struck me about this book was the chocolate house that the girls daydreamed of living in!. it was a real house, but brown, so they dreamed it was made of chocolate and it turrets!. it was a very small portion of the book, and i know i dont have much to go on here, hahaha, but if anyone could help at all i'd really appreciate it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Are you talking about "Betsy-Tacy"!? No one named Diane there, but the chocolate house description fits exactly!. That's the house their future best friend, Tib, lives in!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

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maybe a Little Princess!? where her dad takes her to India as a child and she remembers this and it helps her reunite with him at the end!? Idk!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com