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Question: I need some ideas for a story!?
Tital, characters, plot, place, anything you can dish up! Best answer gets 10 points and I will become a fan! This sounds really stupid, but I will be very thankful!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
an empty mall!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!. 5 teens, no way out, everything is open, lost track of time, two get involved in relationship!.!.!.!. yadayadabla!. If you like it contact me for more details or maybe we could write it together!?!? my imagination, your words!?!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Plot: girl living in the 19th century is forced to marry a man her parents choose for wealth, postion and power!. She does not accept her chosen fate and escapes with one of the servants who is planning on escaping too!. they both search for new begings and posperity while fighting against sickness, roberry, treachery, poverty and the police who think that the servant boy has kiddnaped the girl!. during the story they fall in love and discover themselves for who the truly are!.

you can come up with details becuase i already know the story and the adventures that the find themsleves facing, but it'll take weeks to write it down and give to you

good luck tell me if your interested, even if i'm not the best answer!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A bunch of kids decide they're going to play a trick on a nerd on a sports team like basketball!. They start telling him, "Hey, I heard you won the game yesterday!." or "Good defense!" things like that!. The nerd can't understand because he's not really very good!. Then he meets a girl who isn't part of the group and she tells him the same thing only she thinks it's true!., and she says she's definitely going to the next game to watch him play!. He likes her,and decides to practice really hard!. He has an older brother who is a good athlete and asks him to help him!. They spend every minute of their spare time training and practicing!. The nerd gets more confident, and then the day of the next game comes around, and he actually does win the game!. Then he tells the girl who he likes but he finds out she already has a boyfriend, but he realizes that he's accomplished something good anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Title: Promises
Characters: a girl and a boy (Hailey and Peter)

There is a boy and a girl!. They have been BFFs forever!. Then the girl has to go to a different school, but in the same town!. The boy becomes a nerd without her there and the girl goes on to be very popular!. This was 5th grade!. She makes a promise that as soon as middle school her parents have promised that she cac go back to the same school as him!.!.!.!.Middle school rolls around and she decides that she wants to stay at her school, since she is popular there!. He feels betrayed and broken since she broke her promise, so he decides to become a total hermit!. At school he has no friends and never invites anyone over to his house!. Later they see each other when both their classes are out on a field trip, they see each other!. He runs over and says "hi" to her to which to responds to "get away loser" since all of her friends are watching!. He then pulls her aside and says "you broke my heart, so why are you acting like such a jerk!?" She pulls away, with tears streaming down her face and then just says "I'm sorry" Several years goes by and she finds that he has committed suicide!. She attends the funeral and gets up to speak!. She then says that she did horible things to him and appologizes to him!. She then pulls out a page of her diary from middle school!.!.!.on it is written "I feel awful!.!.!.darkness is welling up inside me!. I cannot resurface from roaring waters inside me!. help!.!.!.me!. I need you back!." she then clears her throat and then reads another page!. "I cannot keep putting on this show for people!. I pretend to be popular and people love me!. As soon as a let slip that the newest Abercrombie models look horrible when everyone else loves them, I am thrown to the wolves!. When you're popular, you don't have anyone as your friends!. Sure they come over every weekend and they hang out with you at school, but if you really need them!. They're not there!. He was always there for me!. And i need him back"

sorry that's all i have!. you need to fill in the blanks!.

* You can then show flashes of both of them same time but different schools!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maria, stood looking out of her bedroom window her heart was beating as if she had just ran a marathon, her skin felt hot and clammy like the inside of an oyster!. The nightmare was vivid in her mind as she wondered whether the recurring dream signaled a pending horror yet to come!. She opened the large window and a cool breeze sooth her steamy body and for a moment she felt as if someone was just beyond the shadows of the large maple trees in her front yard!. The pregnant moon seemed very close and it seemed as if she could extend her arm and touch it!.

She left the window open and return to her bed while remembering her dreadful nightmare!. She felt somewhat guilty because she had left home when she was nineteen years after her father called her a whore!. Her mother had cried and attempted to stop her from leaving but that night Maria had packed her belongings and left town!. After six months she now lived alone in her apartmentWww@QuestionHome@Com

hmm!.!.!.!. well what kind of stories do you like!?
well i hope this doesn't sound stupid
theres this guy named Jace and he can see dead people!. and hes freaking out!. he has no idea what to do at all!. and he somehow learns to live with it!. and one day he sees this ghost that just wont go away!. its a girl, with long curly, red hair and big green eyes!. she tells him that her name is Maria and that she was just killed and needs some help!. and shes around so much that they kind of fall in love!. Jace has no idea of how to help her, but he would go to the ends of the earth to do so!. and one day Maria stops communicating with him!. hes frantic!. he has no idea where she has gone!. he misses her presence terribly!. so from what she told him, he has to save her!.

im sorry that sounds really stupid and i didnt give you much info but i hope it gives you some ideas!Www@QuestionHome@Com

A story should come from you, and not be something that you get from other people!.
Choose something you feel strongly about--conserving nature, peace, anything!. Write a story that displays your opinions and the struggle to achieve your beliefs!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

What type of books do you like to read then it might be easier to offer an idea!. I've always found that when writing a book you need to write what you know and like, otherwise you may never want to finish it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com