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Question: My short prologue!?!!?
ok i dont know which prologue is better and yes i know they're short but thats the way i want them!.!.!.!. so can you tell me which one is better by putting the number 1 or 2

#1!. Personally i already knew who had saved my life!. And no matter what the other survivors said i knew luck wasnt the one!. The poeple who had saved me where the 2 thieves and that weird detective

#2!. Personally I already knew who had saved my life and it had nothing to do with luck!. As the other survivors kept telling me that it was all luck that I as alive!. But I knew that the people who had saved my life where the two thieves and that wacky detective!.

i know the 2 sound alike but they are different oh and for the one you like best can you put what things whould make it sound better to you!. and if you hate them both can you just pick one out of the two thanks oh and can you tell me wheather to ise the word weird or wacky to describbe the detective thanks in future reference!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
the second
id use strange to describe the detective!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Wacky sounds !.!.!. good!
#2 is better!
Hope it's a bestseller!


number 2 but if i was to pick out of the two (weird or wacky) i would pick weird because wacky makes it sound like a joke!.Plus number 2 sounds more elaborated!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

#1 definately!. I'd go with wacky though because weird doesn't sound right!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


#2 dont tell who saved you!. or say it in a more suspens wayWww@QuestionHome@Com