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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Has Anyone heard or read the Novel "On the Hills of God"?

Question: Has Anyone heard or read the Novel "On the Hills of God"!?
Its set in a fictional city in Palestine called Ardallah, in 1947!. The main Character, Yusif, and his best friends Amin ,a Muslim, and Issac ,a Jew, try to defend their beloved country!.
For those who are interested in that part of the region will love this novel! It shows us how the Arabs were dealing with the British and the Zionists through Yusif and the people Ardallah's eyes!. The story is incredible! If you cant find it in a bookstore or library try Amazon!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
thanks for recommending it!. :-) I'm going to the library today anyway so that was good timingWww@QuestionHome@Com