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Question: Modern language in fantasy novel!?
I'm writing a fantasy novel (swords, arrows, peasants, wizards, etc!.), and I'd like to be able to use modern language in conversation!. I wouldn't use slang like "dude" or "crap", but it'd be nice to use words like "guys" and "sure"!. I'm not sure of those are slang or not, but they don't sound slang!. They just aren't words you'd find in lord of the rings!. So, do you think having words like that would be a bad idea in a fantasy novel!?

And what about names!? I'm not good with coming up with these sorts of names, and if you make them original they sound funny or are just too closs to english words!. I wouldn't use names like Bob or Steve, but names like Aden, Aaron, Mohinder, etc!. (note: not planning on actually using those names)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Modern language!.!.!.hm!.!.!.the main reason this can turn out awkward is because most fantasy seems to have that 'middle ages' look!.!.!.basically you wouldn't have Frodo Baggins stepping on a pebble and yelling "CRAP!!.!.!.oh hey guys wait up!' Because that sounds slightly weird!.

However it could work if you're characters come into the fantasy realm FROM THE MODERN DAY REALM!.

and ONLY if this is the case!.

Names!.!.!.!.hahahahha!!! I love that 'bob, steve' idea!. If you're looking for really typical fantasy names http://www!.ruf!.rice!.edu/~pound/sfng!.html
^ go on sites like that one!. Or type some random word like 'horsehair' into a translator site and translate it into some random language which no one knows off!. Good luck, mate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

you should use "guys" and "sure" if you want to!. anachronistic language can be charming and makes the dialogue accessible!. also keep in mind that many of the great works of classic fantasy were written almost a century ago using a lexicon which was modern then, and only seems antiquated now!.

oh and as for names: i'm a big fan of subtle imagery!. a good bet in this genre would be to choose obscure magick and science-themed words that sound cool but few people recognize!. for example, "syzygy" is a personal favorite of mine, as well as "alister" "thelema" and "hurtfew"!.

i like it when characters use "ain't", especially if its the hero!. common grammatical errors are normalizing and make me feel connected with the character!. there is nothing worse then a pretentious hero!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can definitely use modern language!. Modern people are reading it, after all!. Much of the wordiness of fantasy novels is overdone and annoying!. The brilliant Terry Pratchett writes all his characters as speaking in modern English!. Well, sort of!. :-)

As for names, I think it's hilarious when a character who's supposed to be all exotic and fantasy like has a ridiculously normal name like "Bob"!. You can do it a bit tongue-in-cheek and it would would definitely fit!. Again, sometimes fantasy authors get a little to wild with their names and not only can no one pronounce them, no one can remember them!.

After all, look at Harry Potter!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com