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Question: Vampire names!?
male and female!.!.!.any ideas!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
ooh!.!.!.vampires!.!.!. :)

male: Gabriel, Hunter, Sage, Cecil, James, Aric/Aryc, Theodore/Theo, Alexei, Alexander, Isaiah, Isaac, Elijah, Eric, Criss, ok, im out!. :)

female: Chloe, Elizabeth, Elizaveta(russian form), Rosabella, Antoinette, Marie, Violet, Charlotte, Cecilia, Jane(kinda plain), Natalya!.!.!.!.

well i hoped i help a little!.

It all depends on the story!.

Are they like olden times roman creepy named vampires like Dracula!?

Or are they vampires that were originally humans like Twilight!? (ex: Edward Cullen)

If the first, I have no idea!. If the second, how about Samantha!? I totally give you my name!. lol!. Or maybe Daniel!? for a boy!.!.

But like I said, it all depends on the story line!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Male: Raphael, Demetri, Vladimir,
Female: Victoria, Evelynn, Victoire, AntoniaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Lenoir or Lenoid(male) Isaura(Female)Www@QuestionHome@Com

