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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Stupid "pen-pal" might steal my poems! Should I publish them on the we

Question: Stupid "pen-pal" might steal my poems! Should I publish them on the web before he has the chance to steal them
My pen pal Robert Mooney from Ireland just sent me a poem and I found out he plagerized it!!!

I am so disappointed in him! Anyway, now I am afraid he will steal my poems I just sent him, so I am publishing mine here with all copyrights to Athena Quinn (self)

1!. Life is not about finding peace and ease, it is about growth and decline!. Life is charged by the opposites of things: man and woman, death and birth, past and future!. Between these opposites are the power of Everything; because of the opposites there is love and new life and the present moment!.
2!. I could not pronounce the pseudonym, so I called Alcoholism by its Christian name, just as I came to be called your grand daughter because I alone would love you unashamed!. You say not to breath too much, "!.!.!.for God is everywhere"!. But your sleeve is like a rampart and liquor its only good!. Your twilight sings an octave below the angels, from your pipe I see hot loaves of polished coffins!. All I can do is light this candle and hold your hand!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Before you send anything you have written to anyone!. Email it to a trusted address!.ie!. Family or trusted friend!. It will be dated, proof it's yoursWww@QuestionHome@Com

Well, someone can just steal your poems right now if they wanted to!. There is no copyright police in the world to protected you from this!. Sorry, but your poem could have possibly been copy and pasted a thousand times and you probably would have never known!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Nothing to stop me from taking this, posting it on another site, and claiming an earlier date!.
Bit silly to post them on here, wasn't it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

OK, if I see these on internet by Robert Mooney, I'll think they are Esquire's!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Using the Internet does not a copyright make!. This is copyright no mans land!.Www@QuestionHome@Com