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Position:Home>Books & Authors> In Eclipse, are you on Team Jacob or Team Edward, and why?

Question: In Eclipse, are you on Team Jacob or Team Edward, and why!?
I'm totally obsessed with Twilight and I was wondering what team the majority of people would be on!. I only know one person on Team Jacob so I was wondering if there were more (well there's bound to be, but you get my point)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

There is no doubt about it!. Edward is ten times better than Jacob!. He is so immature and rude!. Sure, I love Jacob, but only when he is the younger one, the Jacob that doesn't hate vampires, the person, not the wolf!. I loved Jacob in new moon because he was so right with Bella, but every freaking since he turned into a werewolf, he has gotten so mean and bitter, ya, he has reason to be, but does he have to take it out on Bella and screw up her life with Edward!?!? No, he's not being a good friend!. And so help me god, if he comes between them in breaking dawn, i just might scream!. lol!.

Sorry, I'm really obsessed and I get really intense with this stuff!. LOL!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Even though Edward and Bella are meant for each other, I like Jacob better for several reasons!. First, He is human with a beating heart and Bella won't have to change for him!. Bella doesnt have to be careful around Jacob and measure her words all the time, she can be herself!. Jacob acts more like the teenager her is, slightly immature but with his whole life ahead for him to live the way humans are supposed to!. Edward is not human, and doesnt act like one either, though he tries!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm technically on Team Edward, because I really want Bella to end up with him!. But, i really really like Jacob, and like he said, Edward is Bella's drug; she had no choice!. It's the same for me!. A small part of me really wants Bella and Jacob to end up together, just like it is for Bella!. And, if they do for reason end up together in the end!. I wont burn the books or anything!. So yeahWww@QuestionHome@Com

im obsessed too!. my mom calls twilight my "bible" because i have read it so many times!. XD any way!.!.!.!.well!.!.!.!.!.i don't really know which team i would be on!. i love them both so much!.!.oculd i be on team Jacward!? lol!. well if i had to pick it would be!.!.!.!.idk this is so hard! everytime i think "edward!" i go wait no! Jacob!! but i guess i would pick edward because he loves her with his life and more!. he would do anything for her!. he is funny, smart, caring, handsome!. if you looked up the word "amazing" in the dictionary you would see a picture of edward right there!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Team Edward, and I must confess that I hated Jacob in Eclipse until the epilogue!. Now I feel so bad for him and I hate when people say they think he should die!. That's terrible rude!.

I know like one person on Team Jacob, as well!. I think the majority are Team Edward, like me, but I love Jacob, too!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Team Edward!. Bella and Edward are made for each other!.
But since Jacob is in love with Bella it's obvious that he is going
to fight to earn her love!. But sometimes Jacob gets on my nerves for the stuff that he does!. Like making Bella kiss him!.
But I'm absolutely on EDWARD'S TEAM!Www@QuestionHome@Com

TEAM EDWARD!!!! and its pretty obvious what my reasons r but i'll tell u nyways:
~edward and bella r the perfect match!. they love eachother sooo much and will NEVER let go of eachother no matter what happens
~edward is extremely hot and an all around better person than jacob
:D :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

Team Edward: because he's charming and polite and really sure of himself - in a good way though, if there is one-!. He loves Bella!. Bella loves him!. And because he's Edward! lol!. Jacob isn't that bad either but I'd have to pick Edward!. Sorry Jacob!

Team Edward!. - Only a vampire can love you forever!.

Bella's is not Jacob's soulmate!. He hasn't imprinted on her!. So Edward is Bella's soul mate!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

at first, i dod not mind jacob, but after what he did in eclipse i was SOOOOOOO mad!. He brought it upon himself to **SPOILER** run away!. But he makes a good friend!.


GO EDWARD!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Team Edward!. Because he's a gentlemen and jacob is immature and rude and gross!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I prefer Jacob!. He's so sweet and funny and dedicated! Edward's okay, but can be annoying at times, and I can't really imagine being at ease with him, either!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Team Jacob!!! :)

I kind of like to root for the underdog and I honestly believe that Jacob does love Bella more than Edward does!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Please!.!.!.Team Edward ALL THE WAY! Bella and Edward are meant to be together!. He's perfect!. Jacob is a cool friend and nothing more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Team Edward!. Coz he and Bella are meant for each other and Jacob's just trying to worm his way in and break them up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is nothing more needed if you think about it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thats a no brainer team Edwars duh!!! LOL Jacob to me seems alittle!.!.!. pushy at times and rude!.Www@QuestionHome@Com