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Question: Private Series!?!?!?
Hey i just saw that Private will have at least 10 books in the series!. Thats not including The Prequeal or Privliage!. So here is my questions for you today!. It's an easy 10 pts people!.

1) What will happen in Revelation!?

2) Are you excited about the prequeal!?

3) Do you think Reed and Josh will get back together!?

4) What will the future unamed private books be about!.

Now there are no wrong answeres as long as they are about the series!. Like I said an easy 10 pts!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
1!.) well we will have to read and find out!.!.!.cuz' if there is one thing we all know about kate Brian is that she writes the most unexpected things EVER!!!!.!.maybe something to do with Ariana!.!.!.like she comes back and then gets hurt and josh realises he loves her again!.!.!.but that is too easy so maybe not

2!.)!.!.!.!.!.CORSE!! Do you have to ask!?!?!?!?

3!.) Hope so!.!.!.or i will CRYYYYY!!!

4!.) Reed!? haha no idea!.!.!.yet!Www@QuestionHome@Com