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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What drives Mrs. Dalloway to want to be a hostess/have this party?

Question: What drives Mrs!. Dalloway to want to be a hostess/have this party!?
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
On the surface, Mrs!. Dalloway wants to be the hostess because giving parties is what she does!. She has been very sick recently and now that she is feeling better she would like to embrace life and what would be considered normal for her!. Beneath the surface, Clarissa has other reasons for wanting to give the party!. One of them can be understood when we get a glimpse into her mind and find that she is deeply hurt when only Mr!. Dalloway was invited to Lady B's luncheon and she (Clarissa) is already seemingly socially forgotten!. It is also a concern for her as she is aging!. Giving this party, in part, will seem to establish her again in society!.
Hope these help!Www@QuestionHome@Com