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Question: New Moon (Twilight series)!?
In New Moon after Edward was rescued he mentioned something about 'la tua cantante'!. and 'singers'!. what exactly waas he talking about!? i understand the singer part , but not the other reference!. does it mean anything!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
"La tua cantante" translates from Italian to English as "Your singer!."

If you are familiar with Greek mythology, you could view this as a reference to the Sirens!.

The Sirens, in mythology, lived on a rocky island and would sing!. Sailors going by the island would be enchanted by the singing and try to sail to the island, usually ending up dead when their ship crashed on the rocks!.

In parallel, Bella's blood "sings" to Edward in such a way he is tempted to stop being a "vegetarian!."Www@QuestionHome@Com

'singers' is the literal translation for 'la tua cantante'

as described in twilight, bella's blood is the sweetest edward has ever smelled in his life!. edward was joking around about how the people in volterra had a phrase describing how bella's blood smelled to him, 'la tua cantante'!. they use this phrase because they say that bella's blood "sings" to edward!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

'La tua cantante' or 'singer' in the book they tell u that bellas blood 'sings' to edward!.
'"What was all that about singers!?" Alice asked at one point!.
"La Tua Cantante," Deward said!. His voice made the words into music!.
"Yes, that," Alice said, and i concentrated for a moment!. I'd wondered about that , too, at the time!.
I felt Edward shrug around me!. "They have a name for someone who smells the way that bella does to me!. They call her my 'singer'- because her blood sings for me!."'Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm not sure if this was what you meant, but:

Edward was saying that Bella's blood "sings" to him; calls to him with it's scent or something like that!.

Again, I'm not sure if that's what you meant!.!.!.:DWww@QuestionHome@Com

A K has the best answer : ) That's exactly right!Www@QuestionHome@Com