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Position:Home>Books & Authors> What is the difference between GOTHIC and HORROR .. ? (GENRES)?

Question: What is the difference between GOTHIC and HORROR !.!. !? (GENRES)!?
So far i understand that in Gothic!.!. evil often triumphs and is shown as the better side!.
I m not exactly sure!.

And which one do you prefer !?Www@QuestionHome@Com

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i would prefer horror over gothic!. The word gothic is of teutonic or german origin and it could mean medieval or uncouth or barbaric!. The word horror is middle english and means painful or intense fear or dread or dismay!. It is derived from the Latin word horrere meaning 'to shiver"!. the gothic subculture began in the Uk around circa 1981 and is an offshoot to post punk genre!. It's imagery indicates Gothic literature along with horror movies!. Styles of dress are death rock, punk,androgynous, medieval, rennasance, and victorian usually with solid black attire and black hair as well!. I know a lot about this because when my redheaded daughter was 14 (she is 26 now and has a college degree and a very good job) she dyed her beautiful red hair black and wore nothing but black clothes!. She wore black leather skirts with Doc Martin black boots with black fishnet hose and had 9 inch nails attached all over her clothing cos she loved to listen to nine inch nails and nirvana and greenday and bands like this!. Her hair was black;e verything was black!. She got kicked out of school for the 9 inch nails attached to her black leather coat and black leather book bag cos they said that the 9 inch nails were weapons and we all had to go to court!. oh, what a day that was!!! the end!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i suppose gothic is kind of sinister, atmospheric, bizarre and sometimes with rather gloomy overtones whereas horror is where something strives to elicit fright, fear, terror, or horror so there are probably connections between the 2

gothic is by far the better, and more romantic of the genresWww@QuestionHome@Com

Gothic literature involves gloomy, dark, dank settings!. There is usually a mysterious and/or supernatural component!. "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow" is an example of Gothic literature!. Horror is more of your "Friday the 13th"-type stories!.Www@QuestionHome@Com