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Position:Home>Books & Authors> In todays monetary terms how much was £1000 worth in Victorian England?

Question: In todays monetary terms how much was £1000 worth in Victorian England!?
I often read in Jane Austens novels that Mr X, as an example, was worth £2000 per year and so on!. In context, and comparable to today, I would like to determine how wealthy he would be in todays monetary value!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
There are some web sites that convert today's money into past, and also show buying power!. Here's one:


£10,000 (Mr Darcy's worth per annum) in 1810 would be worth £339,600!.00 today!.

Mr Bingley (£5,000) - worth £169,800!.00
Mr Bennet (£2,000) - worth £67,920!.00
Lizzy (dowry £1,000 upon mother's death) - worth £33,960!.00
Upkeep of daughters (£100 pa each) - worth £3,396!.00

Mr Darcy - $625,272!.30
Mr Bingley - $312,636!.15
Mr Bennet - $125,054!.46
Lizzy - $62,527!.23
Upkeep - $6,252!.72

I used http://coinmill!.com/GBP_USD!.html to convert GBP into dollars!.

By the way, Jane Austen's novels were written before the Victorian era, but you can use the dates given in the first link for conversions!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There is a website that does this, but I can't remember what it is!. Recently checked on Millais and £10,000 was worth about a million!. If no one else answers, I'll check at work and answer again!.Www@QuestionHome@Com