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Question: Picture of Dorian Gray!?
Having to do summer reading!. I'm reading the book and answering questions as i read!. But some of the questions i just don't get and the book is just really hard for me to read(but i am)!. Can you please help me out!?!?!?

-What superficial idea of Dorian's is smashed by the witty Lord Henry!?!?!? (i dont think i even know what a superficial idea is!?)

-Discuss the psychological domination that is occurring in chapter 4!.

-also if it asks what is the fascination with Dorian for Lord Henry!?!.!.!.!.is that Lord Henry has fascination with Dorian!.!.!.or Dorian with Lord Henry!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Omg, I absolutely LOVE Oscar Wilde!

For the first question, Dorian is obsessed with himself and his beautiful youth!. Henry tells him that as he grows older, his beauty dies away, which horrifies him!.

The second question you'll have to actually read that chapter!.

And the third, it means that Dorian is fascinated with Lord Henry!.


You can go to sparknotes!.com and look up info on every single chapter, as well as the basic summary!.Www@QuestionHome@Com