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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How do I publish a vampire/werewolf book?

Question: How do I publish a vampire/werewolf book!?
My book is about vampires and werewolves! I have several ppl who r dying to have a copy of my book on there book shelf at home! they just cant get enough of it! they r already wondering about the sequil and the first isnt even finished yet!
but ik that the publishers already have enough vampire and werewolf books to fill an intire room but its the best i have ever done and i am very proud of it!
im sure other ppl will love to read my book! ppl that r all over the world!
also would it help if when i do send in the manuscript if it would help get my book published of i also send in some emails from ppl and letters of that ppl have sent me wanting the book published!? also a paper of all the ppl in my town ,that have read parts of the book and loved it, that have signed the paper!?
i really hope that i can get loads of advise!
doest matter what u say to me that is negetive! im still gonna try to get it published! u can not dampine my spirits!
and ill report u for online abuse!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
sounds really interesting id love to read it!.

to get published you need to send in a manuscript or part of your story to a lot a lot of publishing companys if they like it they will write back and ask for your whole story to review if they dont, well then you just have to keep on trying!. If its as good as you say then you shouldnt have any trouble!. Id look up some publishing companys that print alot of fantasy books and i think you will do great!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well then you sound pretty talented!.
Honestly, I have no clue how to get it published world wide!.
You have to have money in order to get that done!.

Although if you want fame off your stories then post them
on www!.quizilla!.com

It's the most popular place to post your stories!.
Many people can rate you and everything!.

By the way, Vampire and warewolf stories are the best!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Maybe tone it down on the texting lingo!.!.!.lol!. jk jk!.

I've read a book on how a person got their book published, and the first step was to get an appointment with the publishing company!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

send me the manuscript please :D email lawlietxiii[at]y!.com be waiting!. :DWww@QuestionHome@Com