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Question: Persuasive Techniques!?!?
Hey i just need to know what the persuasive technique 'appeal' means!. Some examples would be great too!. thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Appeal is how writing or speech "grabs" the audience and moves people to action!. The term is usually preceded by a modifier, as in

**Emotional appeal !.!.!.!.!. the information get the audience angry or sympathetic or fearful or arouse some other emotion!. Think !.!.!.!.pictures of starving children, gory bodies in the streets!.

**Intellectual appeal !.!.!.!. facts, figures, quotations from recognized authorities!.


I'm a little confused about the question here, but I will try to answer it anyway!. Appeal in persuasive writing means that you should interest your reader!. This 'appeal' is usually executed in the very first paragraph where a writer will ask a question, use a personal example, cite a statistic, or make a startling statement!. You will want to interest your reader in your topic and then lay out what you want to prove about this specific topic!. Hope it helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com