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Question: Journey Through the Black Hole!?
"Mayday!. Mayday!. Mayday!." The crew listened impatiently to static over the radio!. "There's no answer, Sir!"

He spun around in his chair quick enough to make his snout wobble, "Tell everyone to take position, Brace For Impact!. And for the love of Dog keep the Ant farms safe!" He thought for a moment and said, "If we do survive this we don't want to starve wherever we end up!."

The crew of the Intergalactic Anteater Marine 7 hustled about the ship, turning knobs and switching dials without really knowing what any of it did!.

The black hole kept pulling them down in a circular orbit, spiraling towards the unknown!. All eyes were on Admiral Crankity Snipperus!.

He breathed in deep, looked into everyone's eyes and said, "What!? I don't know what's gonna happen!"

The ship picked up speed, the crew turned off their thrusters, (they think) and suddenly everything stopped being but still was!.

A space voyage story about alien anteater marines!. What do you think!? It's my new one!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I'm sorry, but anteater space voyagers is just TOO cliche!.

As you've already mentioned, I think you simply MUST spice it up with something that is never done - vampires!

BTW: Your story is lots of fun!. If you want to add your douche bag vampire, whiney ditz and sexually confused boy witch, maybe you could make them three people the anteaters kidnapped thinking they were a good cross-section of the humans on Earth!. The anteaters want to study Earth people to see what makes them tick!. (Oh, boy, are we in trouble!)

If you bring in Narnia - which I actually love - maybe you could have their ultimate mission be to invade Narnia!. The Narnians are to act as their ant-collecting slaves!. Aslan intercedes and sends them to Hogwarts instead!. (Just a thought!.)

Hmmm!.!.!.I think my suggestions, after the BTW, could use some work!. Oh, well!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

When they make the movie, Jeff Goldblume plays Crankity Snipperus, Mel Gibson the confused Lion, Tom Cruise is the nutty ring-bearer and Prince William the time-traveling King who plays polo!. Ralph Fiennes plays the Black Hole who falls in love with Princess Leia played jointly by Scarlett Johansen and Bill Murray!.Www@QuestionHome@Com