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Position:Home>Books & Authors> I am worried about my daughter, what should I do?

Question: I am worried about my daughter, what should I do!?
My daughter, Belinda, is an exceptional child!. She is smart, beautiful and talented!. I secretly adopted her last month!. I, myself, am a Sicilian engineer and a pioneer in a field of alternative power sources!. I developed many ways to generate electricity without stripping the land or destroying the environment!. I invented solar-mill!. Now I am working on penetrating the Earth core, which can provide all the necessary energy for human race!. I plan to do it with a probe, encased in molten iron!. Belinda actually even gave me several really good hints, and she is but a little girl! I am worried about her, because she acts differently, not as a child should!. She is overly interested in my last project, is constantly talking about it, and is even snappy about it: I wanted to drive her to the mountains and teach her skiing, but she became so angry, she just wanted to talk about the probe, the schedule and so on!. She doesn't want to have a childhood, she acts like an adult!. What should I do!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Schedule her for an MRI--my spider-sense tells me there must be something questionable about her pituitary gland!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

From what you said, Belinda must be a gifted child!. But if she's really acting like an adult and you really think that's not normal for a child, you can take her to a psycologyst (forgive me if I spelled psycologyst wrong, I'm just confused!) and find out what's wrong!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, some kids are just that way!. She is just more mature so you shouldn't push her to be a certain way!. It soundas to me like you have one of the better kids in this world!. Mature, interested in real topics, and smart!.!.!.!.

Don't worry until she gets smarter than you!.!. lol!. But relax, your doing fine!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Your child being interested in the same things as you isn't a problem!. It shows that she admires you and is willing to learn!. You should use her interest as an opportunity to teach her!.

!.!.!.are you sure this isn't a pitch for a novel!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why do you insist on publishing plot lines of really bad stories!?

I would like to bring the following definition to your attention:


Good luck with that!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Assuming everything you said is true, you are an extremely intelligent person!. Why would you post a parenting question under Books & Authors!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

she is just intristed in your job!. its just a phase!. dont worry!. but if it is still going on, just talk to her about it openly!. it will make her very happy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Forgive me if I'm wrong, but it sounds like you're not really worried about your child, you're just using this question as a platform to brag about your supposed achievements!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

There really is nothing wrong with Belinda, and you should just let her be!. She sounds gifted to me!. In roll her in the G!.A!.T!.E program at her school!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it sounds like a really good book! wow!. u must have a really exceptional child!. u could go have her checked out by a therepist or something!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Belinda sounds like she's a real little pixieWww@QuestionHome@Com

That sounds like a book begging to be published!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Being a parent is such a challenge these days!. Its obvious that YOU have your daughters best interests in mind!. Taking your daughter to the mountains and teaching her how to ski, is what YOU are interested in doing!.!. This does not seem to be what your daughter is interested in!.!.!.!. Theres your problem!.!. Just because YOU feel she needs the skiing thing, doesn't mean she is feeling it!.!.!. We as adults are all different and we all have different wants and needs!. Children are the same way too!. Just because its what you want for her, she may not even have a desire to learn to ski, ever!. So encourage her in her interests and help her to become all that she can be!. She seems to be on a mission, feel proud of her!. Relax, and happy fathers day!. Take care - JOJOWww@QuestionHome@Com

okay!.!.!. so you're doing one of two things:

1!. you really aren't that intelligent if you're telling the truth!.!.!. because why would you put a parenting think in a books area!? and if that's true, then you couldn't possible be smart enough to invent the solar-mill!. sooo!.!.!.!.

2!. you're trying to get us to help you write your book, because obviously you're having writer's block!.

and now, to answer your question: you should send her off to boarding school, unknowingly thrusting her into a world of wizardry, where she meets a boy with a scar!. they then run away with eachother!.!.!. but OH NO! she sees a vampire and falls head over heels for him, sadly he is already taken by a very clumsy 17 yr old!. So, your daughter then stumbles onto the likes of a couple hobbits trying to throw away a magical ring!. She steals the ring, hoping it will give her ultimate power, so that she may get to the inner core of earth before you (because you deeply scorned her by sending her away) So now it's a journey to the center of the earth starring Brendan Fraser!.

out 7!.11!.08

wow!. sounds interesting!. well!.!.!.!. good luck on thatWww@QuestionHome@Com

First of all, I would like to congratulate you on your admirable job choice, despite the validity of the previous statements!.
As for your daughter, how long has this been going on and how old is she!? If she is three or four or so, I would say there is nothing to worry about, children are always interested in their parents’ jobs!. It will probably pass!. It’s a phase in her life, like a Pokemon obsession, or a favorite toy!. She will most likely become attached to something else in a few weeks and forget all about the probe!.
I think the ski trip would be an excellent idea, even if she pouts and complains, she will thank you later for it :)
Good luck!
