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Question: Books about cutting!?
I have read "cut" and I find those books to be slightly interesting!. I don't mind how graffic that they are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Try some of these!. They're not all about cutting, but they all invole issues:

Dreamland by Sarah Dessen

Impulse by Ellen Hopkins

Define “Normal” by Julie Ann Peters

The Perks of Being a Wallflower by Stephen Chbosky

Go Ask Alice by Anonymous

13 Reasons Why by Jay Asher

Looking For Alaska by John Green

Smack by Melvin Brugess

Speak by Laurie Halse AndersonWww@QuestionHome@Com

"I Know This Much is True" by Wally Lamb
"The opening chapter takes us to the public library and Thomas has just performed self-mutilation: he has chopped off his hand in response to the Gulf War (Operation Desert Shield)!. And Dominick is there to rescue Thomas, as he's done their entire life!. Thomas is taken to a psychiatric hospital for close observation, but in the mean time, Dominick ends up meeting with the psychiatrists, who help Dominick deal with issues he has with his brother, and soon a whole slew of issues comes rolling off of his tongue!. It's an uphill battle, but through the help of the psychiatrists and his grandfather's journal, Dominick learns to deal with his anger and his frustrations over his life, and he comes to terms with a lot of things that he felt resentment over in the past!. "

"The Burn Journals" by Brent Runyon
"On the sixteenth page of this incisive memoir, eighth-grader Brent Runyon drenches his bathrobe with gasoline and ("Should I do it!? Yes!.") sets himself on fire!. The burns cover 85 percent of his body and require six months of painful skin grafts and equally invasive mental-health rehabilitation!. From the beginning, readers are immersed in the mind of 14-year-old Brent as he struggles to heal body and mind, his experiences given devastating immediacy in a first-person, present-tense voice that judders from uncensored teenage attitude and poignant anxiety (he worries about getting hard-ons during physical therapy) to little-boy sweetness!. And throughout is anguish over his suicide attempt and its impact on his family: "I have this guilt feeling all over me, like oil on one of those birds in Alaska!." Runyon has, perhaps, written the defining book of a new genre"Www@QuestionHome@Com

If you liked cut I think you would like these as well:

Lisa bright and dark by John Newfold
I never promised you a rose garden by idk lol
One flew over the cuckoo's nest by Ken Kesey (a classic!!)

they're all great reads that have a similar themeWww@QuestionHome@Com