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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Does anyone here UNDERSTAND the Novel Finnegan's WAKE by James JOYCE ?

Question: Does anyone here UNDERSTAND the Novel Finnegan's WAKE by James JOYCE !?
Why do people CRITICS especially pretend to HAVE A CLUE about finnegan's wake!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.JOYCE although he was a GENIUS and SPOKE READ and WROTE in 16 Languages meaning he could read the Greek Texts Illiad and Odessy in GREEK and The Russian Novels i RUSSIAN and all the Poetry WOW what a GENIUS yes!!!!!!!!!!! I think he was MESSING with US! when he wrote THAT if you have a DIFFERENT TAKE ON IT please EXPLAIN!? thank youWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I have tried several times to wrap my head around Finnegans Wake and I am proud to say that I have failed every single time!. The best thing to do for a book like that is to read what scholars have written about it (you know, the PhDs in the prestigious universities)!. Usually, they can get a better grasp of it than most people can!. Joyce was a genius but one could also argue a case for insanity!. What is that old cliche about there being a fine line between!.!.!.!?

Nonetheless, I think it will be another fifty to a hundred years, at the least, before anyone really figures out the story behind Finnegans Wake!. In truth, I don't think anyone really understands the subtleties in Ulysses!. Perhaps we should master the former before we study the latter!. Then again, I don't claim to be a James Joyce expert!. Just a big fan!.

EDIT: Remember, most of the Yahoo Answers crowd is made up of high school students looking for homework advice, amateur novelists looking for writing advice, and the ever persistent Stepanie Meyer/Harry Potter crowd arguing who is hotter: Edward or Jacob!? You can't expect much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Joyce wasn't messing with us!. Consider how incredibly difficult it is to write a true stream-of-consciousness novel!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com