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Question: Can someone help me remember a book title!?
The details I remember about this book was that it was sort of a fantasy and/or science fiction adventure!. The main character was a woman and the most distinct feature I remember from the book is that there is this tournament people fight in to achieve their rank!. In the tournament people wear sashes and the loser of the match gets their sash slashed in half!. I remember this part because the one of the girl's mentors/love interest shows her his sash which has a very neatly sewn line of stitches on it where has been cut!. If anyone one knows what book this is, please tell me! I read this back in middle school and I can't remember the title or author for the life of me!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
OMG!!! I just finished reading this today!!!

It's The Blue Sword by Robin McKinley!. It's a great book!!!

You might aso want to try the prequel, The Hero and the Crown, but I didn't like it as much!.

You definitely should re-read The Blue Sword, though!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah, it's the Blue Sword by Robin McKinley!. Very good book!. Probably her best one ever!

And the ending is so sweet! They get married!. :D The proposal is very funny, and my favorite part!.

RE-READ IT!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com