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Question: What were your thoughts about The Deathly Hallows!?
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I am not a teenager or younger child for whom, actually, the books were written, but I was disappointed that there was no real romance among the characters!. I had always imagined that Harry and Hermione would be romantically linked, and although I can understand the eventual pairings of Harry with Ginny and Hermione with Ron, the relationships seemed contrived to me!. Additionally, I agree with those who found the book rather anticlimactic, and I, too, regretted J!. K!. Rowling's apparent need to kill Fred, Tonks, et al!. I think that the Magicians should have possessed the acumen and powers to resurrect the dead (including James and Lily Potter and Dumbledore)! I think that Rowling's purpose in the epilogue was to bring the series to definitive conclusion by aging the protagonists past the apparent juncture where they would have additional adventures!. I think that Harry and his classmates should have completed their studies at Hogwarts and achieved their magical destinies, even that the series should have continued into their futures!. I think that the book was just a bit disappointing as the finale of what was otherwise a really wonderful and imaginative series!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I mostly liked the book, despite the fact that it was overly long!. Someone else mentioned the extended horcrux hunt!.!.!.that could have been shorter, definitely!. (I have to say I agreed with Ron when he claimed they were taking too long when he bailed, even if that wasn't the real reason he left!.)

I feel like she was tired by the time she reached the end of the book, and didn't give Harry the proper ending he deserved!. She absolutely short-changed Ginny: the poor girl was slowly built-up in the other 6 books, only to find herself pushed to the background in DH!. This is what makes me a little grumpy about the book: the rush to the end, only to end on a lame note!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I liked it!.!.!. well, more than "like", I loved it!.

I laughed, I cried and sometimes laughed and cried at the same time!. I was very curious to how was Jo going to finish the story and how was Harry going to manage to kill Voldemort and I have to say it was amazing to read it!. The only thing I have to say is that I would prefer a longer epilogue or maybe eleven years after instead of nineteen, but it's all okay, I loved it anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i liked it but my best friend didnt!. also, i was reading most of it at night (the midnight we got it, i stayed up until 5:00 in the morning reading and the nect night i was up until 2:oo) so i was getting pretty emotional cause i was so tired and i kinda couldnt understand most of it cause my eyes were really heavy!.

that book kinda ruined me though from reading so much in so little time!. before, i was reading like, a book a week, and now i still cant get back into books as well which is really sad!! *cry!!*Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Epilogue actually offended me!. It just seemed so out of character, like the namesake thing, that was the last thing I would've pictured Harry and Ginny doing!. Odd!. It was like fanfiction!. That I wouldn't read!.

But I did really like the rest!. Oh my goodness, I was so emotional readingthe whole thing!. I mean, Fred!?! What the hell, take Percy instead! It would've been just as dramatic!. Huh!.

And oh my goodness when he was walking into the forest, I had to stop reading for a while I was crying so much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i LOVED it!. my fav hp book hands down!. BUT i hated how short the epilogue was!. i wish there was several chapters about what happened after the war (harry&ginny, ron&hermione, freds funeral +how george copes, who takes care of teddy) it was very blurred together!. i wanted to see more of the happy ending but thats where fan fic comes in right!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

A bit messy in organization--she could have cut down the page count of the times the three were traveling in the woods (nothing was happening!.!.!.) by a couple pages and used those pages to talk about the elder wand, because there was a lot of confusion with that part!.!.!.

That's all I can think of that bugged me!. A lot of people didn't like the epilogue, but I thought it was alright--I wish she wrote a bit differently so that it's not so typical and cliched and still maintain the same ending!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Definitely a let-down!. Harry, Ron, and Hermione took ENTIRELY too long to find the horcruxes, and too many of my favorite characters died at the end!.

Seriously, Teddy Tonks is an orphan because of J!.K!. Rowling!. Okay, so he wouldn't exist if it wasn't for her, but STILL! lol!. Yeah, I seriously cried when Fred died, because I felt so sorry for George!.

Yeah, and nobody complain that I gave away too much of the story, because if you haven't read it yet, then you're obviously not going to any time soon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

well it was very intersting i didnt read the book but my friend did
and she told me a lot of intersting things and she said it should be a best selling book because she said it was the best out of all the series jk rowlings is an awesome writer when it comes 2 booksWww@QuestionHome@Com

Some I enjoyed and other parts not so much!.

I hated it when they killed one of the twins, Snape, and Hedwig (Harry's Owl) because they should have at least gotten more closure to those characters!. Sigh!. I guess in real life you don't get that happy ending goodbye either!. Still very sad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

it was so acton filled!. i would have to go back and read a page over and over!.

but its sad too!. i cant believe that Hedwig die *mourns*
and im glad that some loose ends were fixed
espically with snape

and i hope warner bros does some justice to it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I thought the epilogue was PATHETIC!. I would gladly have waited another year for the book to give her time to write a decent epilogue!. She had to have known that readers would want to know what happened to each of the characters!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best book ever! R u refering to the deathly hallows the book or the deathly hallows in the book!? Sorry if that's confusing!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

not the most interesting book i have readWww@QuestionHome@Com

It was good
but i was sad so many people died
i mean how could j!.k!. rowling kill fredWww@QuestionHome@Com

it was a normal book for me!!
there was nothing wrong or great about itWww@QuestionHome@Com

It's good, but I like Twilight better, no offense to the HP lovers!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

loved it but got sad the more i red because i knew that was one more page i was closer to the endWww@QuestionHome@Com