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Question: Do you read for the sake of reading!?
Some people read for the sake of education
i!.e!. homework, classwork, anything else school related

Others read because of peer pressure
i!.e!. "my friends are reading this book so I have to read it too!."

Others read to fulfill social obligations
i!.e!. recommendations from family friends, colleagues, teachers, etc!.

*My question is: Do you read for the sake of reading!? Do you read because you genuinely love the idea of settling in with a good book and, in my case, a stiff drink!? (The younger crowd may not agree with the latter but they will in time!.)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I read for the sake of reading!.

I've always enjoyed it!. I spend hours in the bookstore just because I can!. I read in my spare time!. When there is a power outage I'm not bored because I can just light a candle and pull out 'Les Miserables'!.

We live in a world today where people make fun of reading!. If you read when you're in a coffeehouse instead of using your laptop, people give you funny looks!. (I get those a lot!. XD) If you think 'chatspeak' is revolting, you're weird!.

But there are a few of us rebels out there!. Who go to a park on a nice day with a backpack full of Shakespeare and Sophocles!.

Sometimes a rebel is a nice thing to be!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hahaha, I don't know about the stiff drink part, in my case it's a mug of green tea (I'm sixteen) but I do indeed read for the sake of reading!. I get to the library whenever I can, and I absolutely love the whole process of picking out books that I've never heard of that sound absolutely delicious when you read the back, going home, and delving into story after story!. Whether I'm curled up in front of a cozy wood stove trying to keep warm in the winter or lounging on the deck working on a tan in the summer, I always keep a book at hand simply because I love to read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not exactly for the SAKE of reading, but for the fun of it! To read "for the sake of reading" suggests an attitude of "Well, I haven't read anything yet today, so I'd better read something before I go to bed!." But when you elaborate on your question, the answer is a definite yes!. I look forward to curling up with a good book and a cup of tea or coffee!.

Incidentally, I've encountered the suggestion that anyone applying for admission to college/university should be asked about a book he recently read for the fun of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


My favorie genre is horror!. I will read other works, but my true blue literary favorite is horror!. I pick up a book and read the back cover, trying to get an idea from the synopsis if I'm going to enjoy the book!.

Vampires, Werewolves, Zombies, all these characters are right up my alley!. I read simply for enjoyment!. Sometimes a friend will recommend a book and I'll check it out!. My first visit to the bookstore though will be the horror section!.

PJ MWww@QuestionHome@Com

Earlier, I won't go beyond the realm of Harry Potter!.Though I read & loved Wuthering Heights in my 9th grade it was recommended by my English tutor!.
But now that I have got the initial push I really think reading is a fantastic habit;a wonderful constructive way to do away with loneliness and boredom!.I feel wiser these days and more mature after I see through the imaginations and perspectives of so many varied people!.
I feel proud to say I really love to read now and don't do it bcoz others think it's a good thing!.

hmm!.!. I've always loved reading!.!.!. always!. I would rather just read than watch anything so i don't think i fit into the categories of reading because of peer pressure, or to fulfill social obligations, and even though i do sometimes read for the sake of an education, i find that I make time just to read things that interest me, and that i think might help me more as an individual, and to enhance and extend my vocabulary as well!.!.!. but overall I enjoy reading! ^_^Www@QuestionHome@Com

cors i dont!! its like readin buks has bin in my blood!. dats d only thing i nid ven stranded alone in an island!.!.!. i min readin for d sake of readin!?!?!? i never pik a book with this point of view!. of cors course books get dat attitude of mine, but definately not the buks staked in my book case!. i read cuz i enjoi doin it, cuz tym passes in a 'chutki' ven i read!. its lyk enjoyment n learnin cums together!. a rare phenomenon!.
dere a lot many piple hu think its book-worm type!. but they hardly got an idea bout vat they are missing!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

No!.!. I Read because i love reading, as stupid as it sounds reading to me is like breathing !.!. When ever i read i feel like the main character in the story!.!. It allows me to escape myself sometimes!.!. lol =DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I love reading!.!.!.!.!.!.!.I love how books take you to different times!.!.Places and see thu the eyes of different people!.!.!.!.!.!. I think a good book can change your life if you let it!.!.!.!.!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I read for the joy of readingWww@QuestionHome@Com

i just read for the sake of reading!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i read books because its fun!. not peer pressureWww@QuestionHome@Com


i like to read cause its fun and exciting!. BOOKS ROCK!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com