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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Can you find books in english in non-english speaking countries?

Question: Can you find books in english in non-english speaking countries!?
hi, i am going to be out of the country when stephanie meyer's 'breaking dawn' is released!. i'm pretty much addicted to these books, and i just realized that i might not be able to get the book in english if i'm in a country who's dominant language is not english!.
so could anyone tell me if i will be able to get it!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You should be able to find English language books in many non-English speaking countries, particularly if English is a popular language there!. Whether or not you can find the specific title you want may be a different story!. There will most likely be best seller and new release types of books available and other titles by major authors!.

The easiest place to find some of these would most likely be airports, train stations, etc!.!.!. places where Americans, Brits and other English speaking people are most likely to be found in any concentration!.

You do have a couple of options, though!. You can preorder the book now, so that it will be delivered to you shortly after it is released!. You can probably have it sent to your family or a friend or another relative and have them ship it to you there!. Or, if you know the address of where you are staying, try having it shipped there; however, international shipping may be quite expensive!.

Or, you can just wait until you get back - there will be plenty of copies available - it's not going anywhere!. And just think of all the extra anticipation!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You can definitely find English language books, but finding a specific new release could be quite difficult!. What country will you be visiting!? You should probably do a search for bookstores that carry new English language releases before you go!.

If you are just looking for books to read, in tourist towns youth hostels and book stores often have book exchanges with decent English selections!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Of course u can!.
English is a global & popular language!.There are numerous non-English countries,everybody loves English books!.
Like in India there are so many diverse languages but you'll find not only English books but authors too who write in English here!.
U sound naive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

depends but yes you probably will be able to, that is if you are going to a modern country and not some small village or something
but prepare to pay a bit more than usual for itWww@QuestionHome@Com