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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Is is true that there's drivel in the description inside Lord of the Flies?

Question: Is is true that there's drivel in the description inside Lord of the Flies!?
Some people say Lord of the Flies is amazing, while others say it's unrealistic and the description is drivel!. Ever since buying Catch-22, I've been careful about reading and buying "the classics"!.

In a review of Lord of the Flies, someone quoted a paragraph from the book, and said it was typical of the book!.

""There were only a few more yards of stony ground and then the two sides of the island came almost together so that one expected a peak of headland!. But instead of this a narrow ledge of rock, a few yards wide and perhaps fifteen long, continued the island out into the sea!. There lay another of those pieces of pink squareness that underlay the structure of the island!. This side of the castle, perhaps a hundred feet high, was the pink bastion they had seen from the mountain-top!. The rock of the cliff was split and the top littered with great lumps that seemed to totter!.""

If the book has really got a lot of drivel like that, I don't want to buy it! Is it true!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That seems a bit characteristic of it, yes!.

However, it does make up for it in other areas!. For instance, the dialogue is pretty good!. Plus that's the voice of the book, so about two pages into it you lose focus of it, unless you are only reading it to do a style analysis!.

Catch-22!? You didn't like it!? I know it's heavy on the modifiers but there aren't many other complaints that can be made about it's style!.

Anyway, back to it!. Yeah!.!. Drivel!.!.!. Given it's period it doesn't really stand out as bad writing!. By today's standards maybe, but, hell, I don't know if Faulkner or Twain would get published in today's market!.!.!.!. Language and story telling evolve!.

I think you should read the book!. It's kind of a cornerstone for most modern social commentary!. It gets alluded to a lot!. If for no other reason than that you should read it!.

It goes quick, very short book!. You can stand the "drivel" for four hours can't you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, but the plot is ingenious, the way things turn dark and evil from a hopeful start!. Maybe the author could have done with a good editor!. I wouldn't neglect to read it because of poor descriptive passages, a lot of authors have 'blank spots'!. Very few can write good personal/love scenes, and a number get 'ghost writers' for sex scenes and things!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Not drivel at all!. It is a beautifully written book!. The description you quoted is perfectly clear, and also necessary for comprehension of some later events in the book!.
The drivel is not in Golding's novel, my friend, but in your noddle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

buy it!. dont listen to all those drivel stuff!. we had to read it for english last year and i got bored because that is how i usually am with assigned readings but when i reread it for fun i thought it was amazing!.Www@QuestionHome@Com