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Question: In the Lord of The Rings!?
Are you suppose to read the Hobbit first or the Fellowship!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You should read The Hobbit first because of the back story with Bilbo and Gandalf and how he came to get the ring in the first place!. However, LOTR can be read first if you like since it's practically a self-contained story!. It's kind of cool to read LOTR then go back and read how it all got started in the Hobbitt!. Then go back even further and read how it all got started in the Silmarillion!. But that's a challenging read even for the most ardent Tolkien fan!Www@QuestionHome@Com

The three volumes of "The Lord of the Rings" (LotR) are a self-contained sequel to "The Hobbit!." I read LotR first, and then went looking for "The Hobbit"; obviously, many people read "The Hobbit" first in the 16 years or so before LotR was published!.

If an entertaining story meant to be read to children (although it does have sly jokes aimed at the adult who is doing the reading) would not "put you off" the whole thing, "The Hobbit" is great!. But if you are looking for a more mature story, you might consider reading LotR first; there will be plenty of explanation of the references to Bilbo's earlier adventure!.

I've re-read both many times, and frequently juggle the order in which I do so, depending on my mood when I start!.

I see others raising the notion of reading "The Silmarillion" first!. While parts of it are among Tolkien's best writings, I recommend you read LotR and "The Hobbit" first (in whatever order you choose), and see if you like the story-telling portions of LotR's appendices!. (You can skip genealogies, lists of dates and rulers, linguistics, and calendars; I'm talking about the background stories on the Dwarves or on Aragorn and Arwen!.) If you like those, you may like "The Silmarillion"; if not, you've already read the really good whole works about Middle-Earth!.

And when you do tackle "The Silmarillion," if you find the early stuff heavy going, skip ahead to the "Quenta Silmarillion" proper and see how that suits you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

In The Lord of the Rings OnlineTM: Shadows of AngmarTM (LOTRO), players can customize certain elements of the game's user interface (UI), also known as "skinning!." While we don't allow you to do a full-scale UI replacement, we do give you the ability to replace selected visual elements of the UI!. (A full list of these elements and their sizes is provided at the end of this overview!.)

This is an updated (and prettied up) version of the information that had originally been posted in their Beta forums which we had copied to our Developer Discussions - Tutorials & Other Helpful Information forum!. It is a combination of the Skinning the LOTRO UI and Art Assets posts!.

the hobbit , but if you really want to read all off tolkien you should start by The Silmallirion, very heavy reading!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Definately the Hobbit first, it pretty much sets the stage for the Lord of the Rings!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Hobbit needs to be the first book you read!. It's kind of like a proluge to the series though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Hobbit but you don't have to read it!. You may understand things better if you do read Hobbit first!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The hobbit first!.Www@QuestionHome@Com