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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Why does everybody think that Twilight compares to Harry Potter?

Question: Why does everybody think that Twilight compares to Harry Potter!?
It's funny!. :) I mean the Twilight books are ok, but HP is on a whole different level!. HP has a wonderful plot, well developed characters, mystery, and a great author (JK Rowling ROCKS)! Twilight is a little flat!. HP is a world wide phenomenon and Twilight is only known amongst teenage girls!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I completely agree with you!. Harry Potter is original and complex, Hogwarts is a real genius creation, while Twilight brings nothing new!. A Romeo&Juliet thinggie between a vamp and a human, and don't forget about Jacob the sidekick!.

I believe that they compare it to Harry Potter because of the same anxiety and debates fans go over, while discussing the next book, until it's release!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They have their similiarites and their differences!.

Looking at similarities, I suppose they're both all on about self-discovery, growing up, out-of-this-world teenager's fantasy sort of thing!. They appeal to the same sort of age group and people who enjoy Harry Potter assume that they will like Twilight because of that type of fiction!. Just because I had accepted the fact that everyone believed in the tale of HP and the reality of Hogwarts and all that jazz doesn't mean that I didn't laugh at the idea of vampires in Twilight!.

On the other hand, Twilight only really appeals to girls!. I can't imagine a guy oggling over Edward Cullen!. I think it's a bit more hypnotic, intense, deep!.!. SEDUCTIVE !.!. whatever you wanna call it!.

Then there's the authors!. JK Rowling has all these awesome plots and develops all these main characters who intertwine with other characters and Harry Potter's just such a great read because of this!. And then Stephenie Meyer plans out exactly what's going to happen in each book and surprises us again and again, while leaving us to ponder over unanswered questions!. (ie: who put the chains on Bella's truck!? Charlie or Edward!?)

So yeah because they have a lot of similarities that's why people compare them!. Oh and it might have to do with a rumour that Steph Meyer's going to take over JK with her books!. Hmmm!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think its because they are both fantasies and longer than the average YA novel out there!. in reality, they aren't alike at all really!. it may also be that combined with how popular they both are!. it's like twilight is the new harry potter, and then there's going to be a new twilight eventually!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah i have to agree,
they dont really compare

the only thing they have in common is that they are good,
but jk rowlings writing techniques and plots are a lot better than twilight

i guess you could compare the first few harry potter books to twilight though, but not the last few, because as each book came out jk rowlings writing progressed!.

i still love both harry potter and twilight though :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Its a book about mythical stuff and so many people are reading it that they are saying its selling as good as j!.k!. rowling's book which is when the comparisons started happening!. Its like book icons!. harry potter and now we have edward cullen!. and in a few years there will be another characterWww@QuestionHome@Com

i first liked harry potter but than when i started to read twilight i was in to it as much but like a still am like a harry potter geek to me the books seam different!.!.!.there both really GREAT books!!!!!!!They both ROCK!!!!!!!!!I'm going to see both of them when they come out!!!!!!Cam't wait to see both!!!!!:DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I loved the Harry Potter series, and I need to read that prequal poem that JK wrote!. I have never heard of Twilight, and will probably not read it now since it has such a terrible plot!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think it's because they are both about "mythical" creature type things!. And partly because they are both so popular among young adults!.
I personally love Twilight but have never read Harry Potter!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

because they are both world wide phenomenon, more than just teenage girls read Twilight!.
personally i think that Harry Potter is really annoying even though i used to love those books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i completely agree with you the plot in twilight is horrible and its flat harry potter has a great story with awesome charactersWww@QuestionHome@Com

Probably because Robert Pattinson is in both for the movies and both became a great phenomenon!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

And now!.!.!. you ask this but you STILL compare the two!. Both of the books are well written I wish it gets through to those hard headed people!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

they say it sold more copies then harry potter!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I don't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com