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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Can someone analyze the poem: The Soul has Bandaged Moments by Emily Dickinson?

Question: Can someone analyze the poem: The Soul has Bandaged Moments by Emily Dickinson!?
What exactly does it mean and what is it about!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Any time you deal with Dickinson, there are a couple of strategies you can use to figure out a particular poem!. One strategy is to get together with a few of your colleagues and go through the poem line by line, or stanza by stanza, and talk about it!. Define the "Soul" has Dickinson has laid it out for you!. Look at other Dickinson poems!. She brings up the Soul dozens of times!. Can you figure out how it is defined in her other works!? I think it is safe to assume that her definition of the Soul will not change from poem to poem!.

When you have a clear definition of the Soul, the inherent meanings in the poem will become clear!. Examine the capitalized words!. Why does she capitalize words like Bomb and Felon!? They must be important to the poem, right!? Otherwise, why bother capitalizing them!?

When Dickinson is at her best, her poems can be incredibly complicated but that just makes them more fun to analyze!. Have fun with Dickinson!. Don't stress!. Do your homework!.Www@QuestionHome@Com