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Question: Twilight character question!?!?
I was looking on Stephenie Meyer's site and i saw a few characters on the list i don't remember: Mr!.Molina and Waylon Forge!?
I feel stupid for not remembering, but i really need to know!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
You didnt forget Mr Molina takes Mr Banners place and i believe Wayland forge is the guy whom Victoria, Laurent, and James kill outside of Seattle!. they only mention in the book that they ate they never mention his name!. so you didnt forget anyone!. i thought i did too then i found out this information :]Hope this helped :]Www@QuestionHome@Com

i think mr!.molina is one of the teachers (i think its like mr!.banners!.!.!.i hate it when they change the names) and waylon forge is some guy james and his little possy kill i think!.!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Frankly, i do not remember hearing those names!.!.!. they were probably just added in and are most likely not important!.!. i remember a Mr!. Varner or whatever his name was!.!.!. but that's about itWww@QuestionHome@Com

i read all the books nd i dont remember them eithr!.!.!.maybe thy're frm her new bookWww@QuestionHome@Com