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Question: What is Host by Stephenie Meyer about!?
Is the Host plot anything like Stephenie Meyer's twilight series!?

What is the summary plot for Host!?

Thanks so muchWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
No, it isn't really like twilight but it is a great book! It's about how a species called "the souls" take over the earth and become parasites and humans are their Host, and it's prety much about a girl named Melanie Stryder who gets taken over by a soul named wanderer!. But melanie refuses to fade away like she is supposed to so she still speaks in wanderer's head!. Soon Wanderer starts falling in love with the man named Jarad that Melanie keeps having memories about in her head, and they go off together in search of him!. (he's still alive in the desert and hasn't yet been taken over by a soul)!. But when they find him, he doesn't trust wanderer, and things don't exactly go as she and melanie plan, but when Jarad is away on a food raid, wanderer starts falling in love with a man named ian, that lives with the group that Jarad lives with!. And it's just a WONDERFUL love story!. Read it! I think you'd enjoy it!

: )Www@QuestionHome@Com

The Host is a story about aliens invading earth!. It follows Wanderer (or Wanda) as she begins her life on Earth in the body of a human, Melanie, who refuses to fade away!. The two learn to become reluctant allies as they battle Seekers and try to find the ones they thought they lost!.

Here're a few links that you might find helpful:
The author's site: http://stepheniemeyer!.com/thehost!.html
The book's site: http://thehostnovel!.comWww@QuestionHome@Com
