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Question: My friend is angry and backing out!?
My longtime friend is acting weird!. She wanted me to look for a literary agent!. It didn't work out!. Finding one was very tough!.
Now, I am self publishing my book and am very excited!. She was angry at me for self publishing!. She said she wouldn't pay that amount to self publishing!. I told her that I've spent 1 year looking
agent and found nothing!. Nothing has happened and my story has not come alive!.

I sent her my book promo write up!. She said she would look at it!. So far, she contacted me!.

2 other people read the promo and thought it was really great!.

Why is my friend angry and backing out!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
my advice is not to self publish!. They don't sell unless its to family and friends!. I know because I fell into that trap when I finished my first novel!. I spent over $500!.00 to get the book in print w/iuniverse!.com and I only made about $80!.00 in profit!. It didn't sell except to family and friends, no matter how many bookmarks I passed out!. No matter that I had it on my website and myspace!. It was listed on amazon!.com and barnes&nobles!.com!. still no sales!.
I will never do that again!.
My suggestion is to try traditional publishers!. That's what I've been doing!. I joined romance writers of america, and one of their chapters and critique groups!. once I profected my writing and learned how to write a synospsis and a query letter, I submitted my next to manuscripts to traditional publishers!. Like the person before me said, it probably will take several rejections before I'll get an acceptance!. So far I've gotten 2 rejections and then a request for the full manuscript from a query I submitted!. One of the editors that rejected my novella, invited me to submit my full novel because she liked the style of writing but the novella wasn't quite what they were looking for!. I submitted my novel to her and then immediately submitted my novella somewhere else!. I'm currently waiting on word from both!.
So basically what I'm saying, is to take your time and don't get discouraged if you didn't get an agent in a year!. It may take some time to get one of your work published, but do not give up!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I can't blame her, self-publishing is the worst way to go!. You say you were frustrated that you never found one!. One book was rejected 147 times before somebody took it in!. It got onto the NY Times best seller list!. My point is, you have to be patient to get some thingsWww@QuestionHome@Com