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Question: What role does fate play in people's lives!?
I don't know if you've read "the monkey's paw" but the story is about a dried monkey's paw (mummy) and how it grants 3 wishes per person!. So one man wished for 200 pounds and he got it, however, his son was killed because of it!. (the factory at which his son worked paid him 200 pounds because his son was dragged into a machine and killed)!. Based on this, what role would you say that fate plays in people's lives!? and what happens when they try and interfere with it!? Detailed answer please!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I don't believe in fate, but I definitely don't believe in coincidences!. But from what I watch and read, it seems like fate cannot be avoided!. Just like in Greek myths, the actions you take to stop fate, end up working in line with fate!. It's just like what the wise turtle said to his apprentice in "Kung Fu Panda" when he tried to take measures in preventing the escape of the prisoner!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I personally don't believe in fate because in doing so, my future would be left to the stars or in other words; I would not control my destiny!. We have the gift of "free will" and we direct and dictate who we are or what we will become!. Bottom line, fate is what we make of it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Well, fate can't really be proven with the technology we have today, and it can't be disproven, so no one can really know for sure what role fate plays in our lives!.Www@QuestionHome@Com