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Question: Stuck on story!?
I can't seem to stick with a story for more than a few paragraphs!. It's getting so annoying! I also need someone who might be able to suggest how I might get my main charactor to meet a dragon in my story!.!.!.!.!.!? Thanks!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
The king asked the main character to go get him a dragon and slay it!. He goes and is about to kill it but dosen't because then they will be friends and defeat the problem in the story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

hmmm!.!.!.how about your main character is walking in the woods!.!.falls into a hidden hole and!.!.!."wallah"!.!.!.!.another world awaits with Dragons!.!.!.and basically any character you want!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Everyone suffers from writer’s block at some point!. Whether it’s writing an essay, a letter, even a note, we may find ourselves completely blank on how to start it off and how to word it!. Well after spending a lot of my time writing, I think I’ve found a good way to get the ball rolling!. It’s pretty simple actually, so simple it’s ridiculous!. The secret to getting rid of your writer’s block is to keep a journal!.

I started a journal as an experiment, just so I could look at my feelings and thoughts each day!. I forced myself to write, even when I was stumped!. Most people have a hard time just starting off with the first sentence!. Well with a journal you can just write the first thing that comes to your mind!. Write a quick sentence on what your day has been like or who you’ve talked to!. I’m sure that you’ll find after the first sentence you should be able to write a good journal entry without worrying about grammar or spelling!. also, the pressure of someone else reading it isn’t there, it’s totally for you!. The whole point of the journal is to be able to write without anyone reading it!. It’s there only for you and you have total control!.

“Ok, I’ve done a journal entry, now what!?” I think after you write it, you’ll know the answer to this!. I find that after writing a paragraph or two in my journal, lots of ideas come to my mind!. I’m already into the flow of writing so I just switch topics and boom, I no longer have writer’s block!. Like I said, it’s simple!. You just write a few words about your day and you’ll find yourself in the mood to continue!. This should work for most people, but not for everyone!.

If it doesn’t work for you, then I have another method!. Set a time where you’ll write everyday!. Clear your schedule for about an hour, and then just write!. Force yourself to write, no matter what the topic!. Continue this for a few days and you’ll find yourself into the flow of things!. People naturally get into habits and want to stay with them!. Try and make writing a habit for you!.

And if you’re still stuck, the only other option is just waiting it out!. If you’ve had writer’s block for a long time, I suggest taking a weekend off and watch a lot of movies and read as much as possible!. Don’t even think about writing!. After the weekend you’ll find yourself full of ideas!. You may think watching movies will do anything but help you write, but just try it!. I’ve gotten some incredibly wonderful story ideas from movies, and after I watch something I find myself writing!.

Remember, everyone get stumped on how they should right!. It’s hard to break out of, but when you do you actually become a better writer!. So take my advice and see if it works!. And always keep writing!. http://www!.essortment!.com/all/curewriter!.!.!.

Ten tried and true tips from a few variously inspired experts:

1!. Inspiration from unexpected sources!. Try downloading "Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases" (free, courtesy of Gutenberg,) which is "A Practical Handbook Of Pertinent Expressions, Striking Similes, Literary, Commercial, Conversational, And Oratorical Terms, For The Embellishment Of Speech And Literature, And The Improvement Of The Vocabulary Of Those Persons Who Read, Write, And Speak English"!. Neatly categorized, you'll be inspired by phrases such as " Illuminative and suggestive" or "Lightless eyes" with which to begin that Next Great Novel!.
2!. Translating Creatively!. Randomly select a poem and Babelfish it a language of your choice!. Then, Babelfish it again into another language!. Then back into English!. See where it leads!.
3!. Translating Creatively II Randomly select a poem in a foreign language and attempt to translate what you think it means (this assumes you are choosing one in a language you do not know)!. This tricks the active left side of your brain (logic) into firing synapses, which is akin to aphrodisia to your right side, who wants to bother you with something more creative!. Bothering = good!.
4!. Use What You Have!. If you Text/Instant Message at all, you should be logging those (you are logging your deepest, darkest thoughts with strangers, right!?)!. Now open up your logs and steal from yourself freely!.
5!. Meditate!. Close your eyes!. Think back to the very first memory that you can remember as a child that made you ________!. Cry, laugh, feel shame, whatever!. Project into the moment actively as an adult and observe yourself, simultaneouslty feeling the event itself as well as judging it objectively and impassively!. Now write the experience!.
6!. Step Away From the PC!. Walk around your block and find (write it down, please) ten things you've never seen before!. When you return home, write them into a story/poem!.
7!. Distract with Social Conscientiousness!. Find an injustice and right it!. It doesn't have to be a major world event, merely something nagging at you that you've always meant to do something about!. Fix this nagging subconscious guilt and you'll open the gates!.
8!. Flirt!. How long has it been since you fluttered your eyelashes shamelessly at someone for no reason other than joie de vivre!? If the answer did not immediately spring forth, leave this page and go attend to that at once!. Sublimation is key here!.
9!. Think Outside of the Box!. Watch a foreign movie that you've not seen before without the subtitiles!. 'Dreams' by Akira Kurosawa is a wonderful one, as are any of the Krzysztof Kieslowski "Trois Couleurs" but your mileage may vary!. While watching, write the imagined story in your head!.
10!. Remember, We Die!. "Memento Mori"!. Make it your mantra!. Scribble it on a post it note and stick it on your monitor!. Whatever seriousness you think has you in its grasp, like dust, will soon enough be carried by winds into infinity!. We are small, and what lies beyond is infinite!. Use this as an anchor to the present whenever you are taking yourself too seriously, and as a strategy to connect you into the spiritual realm beyond this existence!. That realm being, ironically, filled with the very components that inspire us to ever write at all!. http://www!.essortment!.com/all/curewriter!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com