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Position:Home>Books & Authors> In the Harry Potter series, if you could bring back any dead character, who woul

Question: In the Harry Potter series, if you could bring back any dead character, who would it be and why!?
In the Harry Potter series (Book 1-7) if you could bring back any one dead character, who would it be and why!?

Thanks ahead of time!.

xox SachaWww@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Fred or Sirius Fred because with the way the twins were with Fred dead part of George is gone as well and would like to know how the story would change with a stable father figure in Harry's lifeWww@QuestionHome@Com

Severus Snape is my absolute favorite character!. I never, ever doubted him!. That's the honest truth!. He has a heart-breaking story, and he was a real hero!.
Still, I wouldn't save him!.
If I had to choose, I would be between Sev, Remus, and Fred!.
But Sev would never be happy!. Lily was dead, and even as a hero, he still doesn't seem to like people very much!.
Remus, although he does leave a son behind, he at least sees his friends (presumably) after death, and dies with his love!.

So I would bring back Fred!. My third favorite character, but he was too young!. also, he would not have anyone to connect with after death, like Remus and Sev did!. And he has a twin and huge family he's leaving behind!. AND he was hilairious!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Do I have to only pick one!? Well, I'd have to say Snape!. I mean come on the guy was a hero and J!.K!. killed him off with a SNAKEBITE! Yeah the guy was a right git most of the time but you really can't blame him cause of his background!. Even I'd be a little surly if I had to live his life!. He was pushed around his whole life!. First by his abusive father, then by the Marauders during school, and then by Voldemort and Dumbledore!. He never really got to live his own life so if I could bring back one character it would be him!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Albus Dumbledore! I was just heartbroken and speechless when Dumbledore died and tumbled over the Tower and plumeted down to Earth!. My insides were screaming "NOOOO!!!!"!. He was the only person Voldemort feared; he was the one person who gave you strength and faith and made you feel safe!. He was the magical world's symbol of hope and all that is good in the world!. But his absence had its consequences, I mean look at Deathly Hallows!. Voldemort was controlling everything and almost everyone!.


the only times i cried when someone died were when sirius and fred died!. I'd probably have to go with Sirius!. He was just awesome!. and i felt bad for harry, because anyone who turned into a father-figure just fell off the face of the earth!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fred!. I think it's terrible that he died, such an upbeat happy character!. It really got to me that he died laughing!. He was doing something he was known for,and just out of nowhere, he dies!. It was sad!.!.!. :[


Definetely Sirius!. I was devastated when Fred died too, but thats at the very end of the series!. I wish Sirius could have been in the 6th and 7th book and been part of the final battle!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Fred!. That just sucks that he died!. He's a freakin twin for goodness sucks!.!.!.

JUST KIDDING!. I FORGOT ABOUT CEDRIC!. DEFINETLY CEDRIC!. He was fine, and had no idea what he was going into!. Fred had a cause!. Cedric didn't!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sirius Black!. He is my favorite character and he reminds me alot of some of the most influential guys i know and cuz he's freakin awesomeWww@QuestionHome@Com

I would bring back Sirius only because I think it was unfair for him to die, and for Harry to grow up without any parental figures that loved him, not like the Dursley's those a**holes!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dumbledore - I cried when he died!.

Although I can only say that having read all of the books, because of Dumbledore had lived, the story would not have been the same!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


Because he was harry's last remaining close blood relative =/Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would bring back Serious too but i guess I was the most saddened by Dumbledor but we find out why he died in the end!.
harry had a hard life!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sirius! Harry needs a friend/father figure!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Cedric Diggory!. So when they make the next movie Robert Pattinson can be in it again ;]Www@QuestionHome@Com