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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Do you think an Alice in Wonderland book, copyrighted in 1923 would be worth mon

Question: Do you think an Alice in Wonderland book, copyrighted in 1923 would be worth money!?
Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I just checked AbeBooks!.com

There are 33 copies of this book listed for sale (the 1923 edition) and these are priced from $1!.99 up to $80!.

Condition is absolutely critical!. If you look through the books listed, you'll see that the most valuable ones are in pristine condition, and they have their dust jackets!.

So if your copy is in good condition, you might be able to get something for it!. I wouldn't ask top price, though, even if it's in mint condition - a general rule of thumb is that the more copies of a book there are available, the harder it is to sell!. If I were you, I'd settle somewhere in the middle of the range (providing, of course, your book is in good order!.)

Good luck!

Hafwen xWww@QuestionHome@Com

I think it will be worth a good bit, go to your nearest book store and ask the workers what they think!. There are probably some people who would be paying a lot more than it's actually worth to get a book from 1923 and if it's an original and is in good shape!. But still, the best idea is to ask a book store worker or some book dealer or person that knows a lot about books!.

But you might want to keep it longer because then it will be worth more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should keep it, I once had " The Divine Comedy" A trilogy written by Dante Allegheri and it was edited by William Wordsworth circa!. 1872 !. If I had kept those books I would have enough money to relax with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It will be worth some, but not very much!. You won't make more than 10 I'm guessing!. Mostly because it's not a first edition!. First editions are worth a lot!. Others!.!.!.not so much!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

mmm, you should just keep it!.!.!. sell your dirty underwear instead!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Sure but how much I don't know , it would depend on condition , how many were there and so onWww@QuestionHome@Com