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Question: How good is eclipse from the twilight series!?
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Ive been reading TOO much stephane Meyers TOO much!.!.!.I read twilight in less than four days and then got New moon a day later read that and now have eclipse!.!.!.i know breaking Dawn is out in 2 months and im on eclipse now and am starting to get bored (just on page 50 somtihng) and would like to know is it gonna get really good and worth reading now!?because im bored and might just skim through it!.!.!. should i read it ALL!?
and please!.!.!.
No spoilers!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Eclipse is my favorite of all of the Twilight books!!! I know the beginning is kind of boring(I skip through it whenever I re-read it sometimes)!. After chapter 17, things get interesting, really interesting!. Yes read it all the first time or the rest of it won't make sense!. It does get better, but you must read all of it!. I promise you'll love it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

My favorite one was "New Moon", because Bella had to do without Edward for a while and then there's a great rescue scene :-)

"Eclipse" is what I would consider a "bridge" book -- it is sorta the bridge from "New Moon" to "Breaking Dawn" -- a lot of things get resolved in "Eclipse", and while there are some new elements introduce re: Bella and Jacob's relationship -- most of the rest seems to be a set-up for "Breaking Dawn"!.

Read it all -- the epilogue is a bit of a downer (or good, depending on how you feel about Jacob!), because you're going to want to know how they reached certain decisions at the beginning of "Breaking Dawn"Www@QuestionHome@Com

YES you have to read the WHOLE THING! eclipse is my favorite book in the twilight series and if you just skim through it you might not understand soe of the stuff that happens in the epilogue of the 4th book!.lol i loved it!. i actually read twilight in 3 days, new moon in 1 day, and eclipse in 2 days!. eclpse is amazing!lol
i hope you like it!.
TEAM EDWARD!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Personally, I thought that Eclipse was really good!. The most boring one, in my opinion, would be New Moon!. I mean, it wasn't really boring, but in comparison to the other books, it was boring!.
Trust me, it's good!. You should read it all!.

Happy reading! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I actually think Eclipse is a wonderful book, though quite not as good as Twilight, but still good!. Really, you must read it, or you'll be missing out on some crucial information!. Trust me, it gets a lot better!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Huh!.!.!.I personally thought that of all the books, Twilight is the most boring!. I love Eclipse!. No, I don't think you'll be bored!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Read it all!. Really!. Even if you're bored!.

There are some very GOOD parts!. But to understand everything, you need to read EVERYTHING!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I think Eclipse is fantastic, I just reread all three in the pat three days :)!. Don't even try to skim through it, it gets much better!. Read it all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It is the worst of the series!. You are going to be bored all the way through!. Pax-CWww@QuestionHome@Com