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Question: Wicked - Fiyero and Boq's Transformation!?
I had thought that Fiyero had died but apparently he got turned into the Scarecrow by Elphaba so that he would be protected!. But I've read that in the book, this doesn't happen, but in the play he does!. Then Boq was the Tin Man!? Can someone please explain how and when this happened!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
Yeah, you're right about Fiyero!. He dies in the book (and she gets her hopes up that he was the scarecrow, but it turns out that he isn't) and he is the scarecrow in the musical!.
In the musical Nessa casts a spell on Boq to make him fall in love with her and his heart shrinks so Elphie tries to save him by turning him into the Tin Man!. In the book, he is just Boq, a Munchkinlander farmer!. He ends up marrying Milla (a minor character from their days at Shiz)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

The only thing (concerning the tin man, scarecrow, and cowardly lion) that is explained in the book is the cowardly lion!. There is some slight hinting at Fiyero being the scarecrow but it is not said!. Fiyero and Boq become the scarecrow and tin man only in the musical - Wicked!. (best musical I have ever seen btw)Www@QuestionHome@Com