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Question: Are those Twilight books really that good!?!?
Ok so like very other q on books and authors is about the twilight books!.!.!.!.!. so are they really that good!.!.!.!.!.!. i heard they are about vampires!.!.!.!.!.!. UGH!!!.!.!. who likes vampires!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
no!! i couldnt stand it! then again im not into that fantasy stuff!

wtf! how is that mature!?!?
its about a mythlogical creature thst flys ahd sucks blood,,!! whoever thinks its mature only says that becuase their happy they read a "big" book!Www@QuestionHome@Com


I've been TERRIFIED of vampires since I was 6 and the summer camp I was at made me watch Dracula!

I bought Twilight a couple of years ago, when it had come out in softcover, and to see if I would pee my pants when I read it, I opened it up to a random page and read a bit!.

As luck would have it, I opened it to EXACTLY where they're in the meadow and Edward starts showing off allhis super-powers!. It scared the s*** out of me, but I bought it because it was obviously popular and I had a giftcard to spend!. And I hate leaving a bookstore with no book!.

As it was, I let it rot on my shelf for a year!.

Then one day last summer, I was so bored that I decided I could use a bit of horror, so I opened the book and read until 2am!.

Now that self-same book is much abused, horrendously battered, hideously scratched, and has been dropped in the mud at least twice!. I've read it more than ten times!. I also bought the sequels, which are also in doubtful condition by now, and I am eagerly awaiting the release of the next and final book in the series!.

I think it's fair to say that this is a good book!. The writing itself may be a bit dubious in places, but the plot, narration, and general idea are so good that, well, you can see the effect!.

I highly recommend that you read it!

(Gee, sorry that this was a bit long, I let myself get out of hand and I just can't bring myself to delete it!.)

In my opinion, yes the twilight books are really good although i do believe that some people on Y!A are a little obsessive when it comes to the amount of questions they post on here about twilight!. Yeah the books are about vampires but not really the kind your thinking of!. They are a different opinion on the vampire myth so you may like it!. Truth is is that it's more of a love story than anything else!. I don't know what your personal preference is when it comes to books so I can't tell you wether you'd like them or not!. I would recommend reading the first one just to see if you like it or if you don't!. you don't really have anything to lose by reading twilight!. hope this helps!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

yeah, they're really good!
They're not your average vampires!.
In those books, vampires are extremely sexy and beautiful looking people who can be kind and caring!. They also have super speed, super smell skills, etc!.
Basically super humans that enjoy drinking blood!.
I love vampires!
i suggest you grab one as quickly as possible and read it ^^Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, I am a huge fan of the Twilight series and they are some of my favorite books!. But the story is very mature (not inappropriate, just you have to be mature to understand it) and it uses a wide range of vocabulary, very difficult words if you are not in an advanced placement class at your age!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

duh they are that good!. EVERYONE like vampires, it's not like they are evil and going to kill everyone!. They are "vegetarians" and work on self control so they don't kill everyone!. They are absolutely positively AMAZING!.\!!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are the absolute best books I have EVER and WILL EVER READ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now you go read them tooo and you'll answer your own question, IT IS THAT GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

if you actually read them you won't be able to put it down because you will want to know how it ends, but after you're done you'll be very dissapointed with the actual ending!.
All of the books are very predictable and you will get very frustrated when you realize the book is basically about a vampire and your typical white girl!.
over all!. they are a dissapointment!!!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I rarely rarely read any books!. Even for school I use spark notes!. Twilight, New Moon and Eclipse are actually really good!. That was the first time I actually read an entire book!. Though I was a bit disappointed about how Eclipse ended but other than that once you start you won't want to stop until your done!. =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

lol,omgsh thats exzactly hoe i felt when i heard about them!. But finally i was at school one day and like my friends were freakin out over them so im like i gotta see what all the fuss is about!. And it wasn't even how i thought it was gonna be!. Its Stephenie meyer is such a good writer u wouldn't even know it was about vampires until like the middle of the book unless somebody told u!.
Its pretty sweet!.
U might like them like i do now!.lol
Peace out!

Well, since you obviously detest the idea of a book about big scay vampires, and I'm in the market for a good 10 points, then I would say no!. They suck!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Many people think the same thing you do, but they are totally not the traditional vampire novels!. The books have romance, suspense, and adventure!. They also have great word choice, fantastic plots, and a gorgeous guy named Edward!. I've turned three of my friends, two of their mothers, one of their sisters, AND one of their fathers into fans!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

At first i though the books would suck too caus i mean when you think about it not that many people want to read about vampires and fantasies!. But after i read the first book it was really really really good!!! I was hooked or adidcted!!! (The vampire named Edward is freaking awsome!!!!!)Www@QuestionHome@Com

honestly!. i loved twilight !. !. !. not so much the rest!. But it's not the best!. While i did freak out about it a fee years back i think people have kind of blown it out of proportion!. And is overdone by now!. But i would suggest you read it before you criticize it!. And DO NOT watch the movie before you read the book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, but I've read your so called "book" on another question you've posted, & I'm positive Twilight is FAR past your maturity level!.

It uses bigger words, & Stephenie Meyer actually has the correct vocabulary of "your"!.

You're only twelve!. Don't read Twilight!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

They're friggin' ridiculous!. Don't read them, please!.

The only reason people like it is because it's Romance with Vampires!. Which is REALLY stupid!. The writing in itself is lacking, boring, plain!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Honestly, no!. The books aren't that good, but it's really fun to talk about them with other people, so you should read them!.

Good Parts:
Involves vampires and werewolves
Talking with other people about them is fun!.

Bad Parts:
Edward's big threat is that he wants to walk out in the sun and !.!.!.GLITTER!.!.!. (gasp!) so that some powerful vampires will kill him!. How stupid is that!?
Bella complains way too much about everythingWww@QuestionHome@Com

It depends on who you ask, and just because Yahoo Answers is swamped it doesn't mean that the book is God's gift to humankind, it just means a good percentage of the people that post here seem to like it!. Read it if you are so curious!.

As an FYI I suggest that you read this: http://answers!.yahoo!.com/info/community_!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

YESSS i waited a month to borrow it from my twilight-obssesed friend and now im HOOKED THEY ARE THE BEST BOOKS!!!!!!!! (i hate vampires and yes these books r about vampires but they arent what u think!.!.!.they r awesome vampires!.!.!.!.makes u wanna b a vampire!.!.!.sigh)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Go READ IT!!! Its not just about vampires, but its about the characters that Stephenie meyer creates, its just amazingg!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

It all depends of you like vampire love storys!. Personally i love the books!. ive read it 3 times!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

YES!!!!!!!They are great im reading them right now they are about a vampire and a girl,Its like a mix between a chick flick and a horror bu it ROCKS!!!! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

yess they are very good books!. and vampires in this book are different!.

they are such good books!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Good love story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yes, they are AMAZING and you have to read them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com


YESSSSSS!!! READ THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

YES! i absolutely LOVE those books!Www@QuestionHome@Com
