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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Im writing a book, its going to mainly be about love in pain. how should I start

Question: Im writing a book, its going to mainly be about love in pain!. how should I start this book of!?
Its about a girl, who likes this boy!. The boy keeps hurting her, by telling her he loves her, but then cheating on her!.!.!. a bunch of things that cause her grief and pain!. But the girl doesnt move away, or let go because shes too in love!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
That sounds really interesting!. Maybe you should bring up the concept of what true love really is so later the readers can see the difference of how the boy should trea her and how she gets treated!. Maybe in the beginning have the girl have a previous boyfriend who truely loves her but later something happens to him and she tries moving on with this new man that you talked about and shes treated differently!. Sounds really interesting though!. Keep it up!. :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Since you are unsure about how this will go along, I recommend you plan out the events first!. I don't do it, because I usually know where I'm going, but you should!. Brainstorm some ideas on how to start it!. Create a character bible for the main character, everything about them!. What kind of character they are, I!.E how they act, what they say, will help you determine your starting point

The first part of the story has to introduce the main problem, the characters, setting!. From there, you can roll from there, establishing the right begginning, middle, and endWww@QuestionHome@Com

I do not see how you would end this book!? Starting is not the problem, it is coming to a conclusion at the end!. She has to let go some time or the story would go on and on!. I believe that the story would not do well (just my opinion), we have way to may of those kind of stories out there, people get bored of reading them!. Try thinking of something else to write, you will get a lot farther!. The reason you cannot start it is because it is just not the kind of story you were meant to write!. I have thrown away so many manuscripts because I could not get through more than half of them, so I would start some other idea, and if I then felt more motivated to write the rest of the last story, I would start it up again!. I hope that this helped you!.


Start with something simple at like school, you are with your friends and all of a sudden you go "thats him" dont start it where you are already datingWww@QuestionHome@Com