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Question: Why the hell do people compare Harry Potter and Twilight!?
I think it's a disgrace!.
JKR spent 17 years of a masterpeice and it get's compared to this twatlight crap ( or whatever the hell its called)!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
i completly agree with you!. Harry Potter is an amazing series, and i see people saying twilight is better! It's a disgrace, no one likes to read good books any more, their all obssessed with Twilight, and its not even a good book! Harry Potter was better written, and the author actually worked hard on it!. I read those twilight books, and honestly, they were pathetic!. What's even worse though is that people actually say its the best book written!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I personally like twilight better than Harry Potter!. I still like harry potter but not as much as i LOVE twilight!. Either way idk why they are bein compared, they are too completley different types/pieces of writing!. I think stephenie meyer and JKR are both very talented writers, but they are both different in their styles of writing!. I really don't know why they are being compared, but they are!.!.!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I ask myself the same thing everyday and I sit there and wonder for a while!.!.!. then I realize --- it's because today's culture is just stupid! That's all there is to it!.

Jk's characters are 1000 times more developed, her plot is endlessly more clever, her humor actually exists, and she has the ability to write more than one page without diverging from the point of the book to ramble about some hot vampire (if there even is a point to her book, which I doubt)

Wait a minute!.!.!. I'm comparing them!!! Sorry, I forgot for a minute that Harry Potter is so many lightyears out of Twilight's league that we aren't supposed to compare them! Oops!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Yeah I completely agree!. I don't think there is anything special about Twilight!. It's a teenage fluff romance book!. The plot is so dull!.!.!.Bella and Edward love each other and Edward is soooo beautiful!. Thats basically all it is!. A goregous guy falls in love with an average girl!. Thats why these girls love it so much!. It would be a lot better if the action didn't center around Edward having to save Bella in every book!.!.!.!.that just makes it really cheesy in my opinion!. The plot of Harry Potter has so much more depth and is very unique!. Anyone can a write a love story, but it takes true imagination to write something like Harry Potter!. I guess thats just my opinion though!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thank you!. The characters of Harry Potter are BELIEVABLE!. They could be real people!. Real people are not consistent!. They think, grow, change, act, and have different moods!. They don't spend 24/7 being dull, blank, and fainting in people's arms!. Bella is such a wimp!. She narrates her day! "I woke up!. I made lasanga!. I ate a quarter of it!. I left three quarters for my father!. I thought about Edward!. He is cold!. That is sweet!."

Take Hermione!. She is smart and all that, but sometimes she bursts into tears!. She loves Ron, but sometimes she can't stand his insensitivity!. She's REAL!.

JK Rowling created an amazing universe (originally for kids, but now for everyone, I think)!. Meyer created a repetitive story with one dimensional characters and more plot holes than swiss cheese!.

The books can be a fun read if you feel like inserting yourself into a "perfect" (BORING) relationship!. But she is NOT the next Jo!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

People compare them because they are both very popular and both spent time on the best seller's list!. Personally, I don't REALLY get it because Harry Potter and Twilight have nothing in common!. I mean, vampires are not found in Harry Potter, and you certainly don't see wizards in Twilight!. The books have nothing in common!!
So my only guess is that they're both popular and everyone loves them!.


*gasps* its twilight, (the best book ever) but idk why it being compared to HP!. I was watchind Entertainment Tonight (wasnt my choice, my mo was watching it) and it said something about those two books being the 2 most popular books, and selling the most copies
I LOVE TWILIGHT!.!.!.its NOT crapWww@QuestionHome@Com

there r a lot of books i do not like and other people do like!. u have no right to insult it

harry potter and twilight r really different, i LOVE both of them and J!.K!.R!. and S!.M!. have different styles of writing

i thought i would h8 twilight but when i read it i loved it!. just try it out!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because they are running out of things to say about Twilight!. I think it is terrible that they even think about comparing Harry Potter on the same plane as Twilight!. Get it through your heads, people, Twilight has not replaced God! Not yet at least!. If they keep going at it, it can't be long!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

i really dont know!. HP is a lot longer (well so far)!. maybe just cuz the books look fat, and they have the magical theme about them!. although twilight has no magic!. but maybe its just the fantasy!. about it!. witches and vampires!. its all about the fantasy and dreamy stuff!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

harry potter is WAY, i repeat WAY better than twilight!!!!! im not saying that twilight is horrible because i luv it as much as the next person but stephenie meyer created a book but jkr created a world!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

b/c both series became crazy cults!. so!.!.!.!.!.i agree, Harry Potter is better is better than Twilight, but I really think both series became garbage when people decided to form a cult!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Same age group, both have strong following, both are supernatural!. But I agree Harry Potter has put itself in a league of it's own!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

A woman after my own heart! I am really fed up with all the stupid questions and statements about Twilight too!

Books and stories should be enjoyed and not talked about like the characters are real!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Because they're both so popular!. People have a right to their opinions!. I really think that there are worse things to be angry about!. Relax!Www@QuestionHome@Com



people have their own options so if you don't like them just ignore themWww@QuestionHome@Com

What the **** are you talking about!?!? Only in your dreams do people compare Harry Potter and Twilight!. Sorry, girl, but you're getting ahead of yourself!. I like both, though I have to say Twilight is better! That doesn't mean I'm comparing them, though!. I don't know why you have that attitude!. Stop criticizing someone's writing!. I bet you couldn't even write half as well as Stephenie Meyer writes!. Twilight is not crap!. It's your low judgement that makes you a piece of crap!. JUST GET A LIFE!!Www@QuestionHome@Com

*gasps, then glares*
First of all, learn to spell! It's "Twilight", not "twatlight"!.
Second of all, stop!. I love Twilight, and Harry Potter, but I do think Twilight is better!. Sorry that you don't think the same way, but you don't have to be rude about it!. >=[Www@QuestionHome@Com

Twilight happens to be awesome!. And if you just happen to have soo much respect for Harry Potter, you could try typing " J!.K Rowling" instead of "JKR!."

Twilight kicks butt!.Www@QuestionHome@Com