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Question: What is the best way to start writing a book!?
I know what I want to write and how to write it, but is there a mehtod that some of you use to make things easier!? Such as a time line, story line!? What would be your best advice to someone just getting started!? I easily forget little details and I need help on how to be organized with my characters and ideas!. Thanks!Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I keep a notebook around me anywhere I go in case I have a sudden inspriation so I can write it down!. I look through it whenever I have trouble thinking!.
I'm very unorganized, so I try to make as many tables and charts of characters as possible!. Time lines and mabye a family tree depending on your story!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

for the characters,it really does help to have a character sheet!.make one for all the big characters and put in all the details!.like a bio-data,only modified(by you,of course)!.you can put in every detail you like!.all the backgrounds of the character,all their special qualities(example:has OCD or never drinks coffee)!.also,make out an outline of your plot!.kind of a bulleted list of events for each chapter,so you could get back to them when you forget!.


The way I've found the best, although not recommended by the high brow fraternity is, after the basic plot has been decided, and your first couple of characters have gone on paper, spend some time noting individual details that can always be referred back to!. The character may begin with a note that he hard dark hair and was sixteen!. It doesn't sound very interesting at first, but as the plot moves on, you will be amazed how much time is saved!.
You will find that as the bio gets bigger, a quick reread of your notes will put ideas in your head that normally wouldn't come!. It seems a bit time consuming at first, but the benefits of having details of your characters at hand, later in your work, far out weighs the effort put in early!. Plus it's a lot easier than having to keep going back through your work to check detail!. I hope this helps!. Good luck, and keep up the good work!Www@QuestionHome@Com

BEFORE you start to plot your entire story out (while you still have just a faint inkoing what it'll be about), you need to get to know your characters!. Write about their likes, dislikes, interests, backgrounds, family members, talents, appearance, and their motivation to behave in certain ways!. Do this for each main character, and repeat the process for the smaller characters!. The smaller characters' personal histories don't have to be quite as detailed, though!.
Then, assemble all of the characters together!. They're stuck in the same story with each other, so how would they affect each other!? What would happen as a result of them getting together!?
NOW you can start to make your plotline!. Know what happens in the story, but don't assign it to a specific chapter!. Be prepared to watch the plot change a little, but don't allow it to get out of hand!.
Now write the book! Have fun!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I have never written a book but I am a talented writer and try many times, I just have a problem with keeping the story going long enough to actually make it a book! An easy method is to do this:

Chapter 1

Chapter 2

And so on!. It doesn't make you remember all the details, but sometimes I do this, too:

Chapter 3

NOTE: Blah blah blah

You can put as many lines you want for the -Details, it just helps summarize your story!. Good Luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm writing a story right now too and I hope it can become a book!. Just let your imagination take you away, and once it does write it down so you don't forget!. Make sure you have a good hook because that's the most important part of a story!. also brainstorm about your main characters and make sure they develop throughout the story!.
Good luck! Please e-mail me it as you write cuz I love stories and maybe I could give you advice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

You should write it down as you go!. That a good way to start off!. And then, you can begin to maybe edit some stuff you don't think would be good to the reader!. That's all I know!. I'm writing a book myself and I haven't touched it in a year!. But I remember what it's about!. Infact, it's a sequal to book that I haven't even started/finnished!. (I can't remember which)!. but anyway, write down some stuff and maybe that will help!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would first start brainstorming of the plot, the characters, setting , and all of that first!. Maybe take out a pencil/pen and a piece of paper to take your ideas on!. And afterwards, you could maybe create a basic outline of the story and how its going to be set up!. And from then, the real writing begins!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Take your own life and experiences for good ideas!. Was there ever a time in your life that there was something that others may relate to!? Let your best friends be characters in it, that way you have someone to base off of!. There's many of possibilities out there!. You just have to go get them before someone else does!Www@QuestionHome@Com

well i usually just start with a "what if" question!. and then everything weaves in!. i can play all of my writing in my head!. hear all my character's thoughts and sayings!. its like im talking to them!. try to write a book that you understand!. make sure you know your characters and it shouldn't be that hard!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Dean Koontz, the famous novelist, has this advice: Write ONE PAGE at a time!. This means getting that page as perfect as possible before you move on the NEXT page!. He often rewrites the same page dozens of times before he moves on!. He credits this method for his success!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I would start with an outline of the story you plan to tell, and then develop characters to support your plot!. Be flexible with all parts--rework the outline as needed--so you can incorporate any new ideas that develop along the way!. Good luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com

brain storming helps in any situation where you have problems or need help organzing your thoughts!. there are many different brain storming techniques you can choose from too!.!. try looking all them up ove google or something, it'll def!. help you and you'll feel a lot more at ease!.!.!.!.i would know =)Www@QuestionHome@Com

Make a brain storm!. Just take a sheet of paper and draw a giant circle on it !. Then put all your ideas in it!. This will help you organize your ideas into logical, spatial or chronological order!. Good Luck!.Here is a good site to get you thinking!.


just brainstorming ideas on a piece of paper and keep expanding from there
like little details from characters in your book you could make like a web or a plot lineWww@QuestionHome@Com

There is no such thing as an "easy" way of writing a book ;)Www@QuestionHome@Com