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Question: Please Helpp! -What Elements Of Wuthering Heights (By Emily Bronte) Are Highlighted By Different Readings!?!?
PLEASE HELP ME! im stuck on this question and my Brain wont work anymore! Lol

So my teacher said its in things like the narrative, setting, characterisation,Genre but i dont know how to link it to readings!

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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
A psychoanalytic reading of WH may highlight the narrative and/ or characterization in the ways the story is told and through what characters!. Ex: Narrative told by Lockwood, Nelly, Isabella's letter, Catherine's dream, etc!.
A Marxist reading of WH may highlight the setting and characterization, paying close attention to those class differences!. Ex: Differences in class between Heathcliff and Edgar!. Difference in setting between the Linton home and the Grange!.
A New Historicist reading of WH may emphasize genre!. Ex: the Gothic romance novel and examination of supernatural elements!.
There are a lot of others, but here are a few!. Best of luck!Www@QuestionHome@Com