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Position:Home>Books & Authors> Why do Atheists recommend I read the god delusion?

Question: Why do Atheists recommend I read the god delusion!?
I mean it was written by a man who was
3:Not very well Educated on the subject when compared to other religious philosophy writers
So why should I read it!? its writer sounds like a @ss and a bad writer produces a bad book!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It is a very intemperate and irrational rant about the evils of religion!. mr Dawkins is naive beyond belief in his apparent conviction that doing away with religion would cause all the evils of the world to come to an end!.

You can judge the banality of his mind by the fact that he greatly admires that inane John Lennon song 'Imagine', possibly the silliest song ever written!.

The whole point about human nature is that it is wicked, and religions all recognise this!. Atheists, in their absurd belief that human nature can be perfected so that everyone will be good, kind, etc and there will be no more wars or hatred, are quite frighteningly blind to the realities of life!. I believe firmly in the doctrine of Original Sin!. Human nature is evil, and if the events of the last century haven't convinced Mr Dawkins & co of this, then I don't know what ever could!.

The book is extremely silly, and I really cannot imagine it converting anyone who had more than two brain cells to start with!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

From a very personal perspective, I would recommend a far broader survey on the discussion of god and, dare I say it, mythology: The Masks of God by Joseph Campbell!.

The four volume work covers primitive, oriental, occidental and creative mythologies!. That a belief in or against god is primarily based on geographical location, culture, time, history, experience and so many other factors, perhaps it may be worth some of your time dwelling not only upon the beliefs of other cultures throughout history, but also studying broader definitions of the complexities of humanity and why we are prone to a belief in, against or replace god with despots such as Stalin or Hitler!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Atheists recommend it to you because they want to spread their own word - that God doesn't exist!. It's almost the same as preaching to the masses, I swear atheism is becoming a religious institution!

I won't waste a penny on buying his book(s), and end up making him filthy rich!. Anyway alot of atheists have started to criticise him for veering off course from his earlier books!. Maybe he should stick to science because I'm sorry but many of the arguments presented in The God Delusion have been disproved over the past few years by Christian and religious scholarsWww@QuestionHome@Com

All belief systems have their proselytizing books that are written to enlighten nonbelievers--The God Delusion is atheism's current one!. That doesn't make it right or wrong, but it's apologia (a work that attempts to explain to nonbelievers) for atheism just like Mere Christianity is apologia for Christianity!.

As an agnostic, I've read both!. Don't discount reading a book just because it has ideas you disagree with or you think the author is a jerk!. On a personal level, the Biblical Paul was probably not someone folks would want to sit down and have a beer with, either!.

Read it and educate yourself!. Find out for yourself if you agree or disagree with the man--blindly refusing to read it is as wrong as blindly refusing to read the Bible, the Talmud, the Koran, the Vedas, the Upanishads, the Sutras, the Pali Canon, or whatever else you would like!. The only way your belief becomes stronger is through exposing yourself to others' ideas!.

You may find The Demon-Haunted World: Science as a Candle in the Dark (Carl Sagan) or The Power of Myth (Joseph Campbell) to be more approachable works for scientific rationalism; I'd recommend you start with both of those to at least explore that area of thought!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Ask the atheists

1!. Is he biased or is he stating his professional opinion!? Opinions tend to be judged as biased by those who don't agree with them!.

2!. Arrogant!? What's wrong with an arrogant author!? He is confident in his words and he chooses to express them with a high degree of certainty!.

3!. Dawkins is not a "religious philosopher!." He is a biologist and a free thinker who happens to be an atheist!.

Nobody is forcing you to read his book!. People recommend books because they enjoy them!. That doesn't necessarily mean you will enjoy them too!. Your contention that Dawkins is an "@ss" and a "bad writer" is an honest and, some might say, biased opinion!. Of course, you are entitled to your opinion on such matters!. Nobody will judge you (I hope) for saying such things in a public forum like this!.

If you don't like Dawkins, find an author you do like and say something positive about them!.

I hope that answers your question!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Some authors are a bar of chocolate attempting to eat themselves really!. The irony therein lies; Atheists attempting to enforce the new gospel according to their organon, are falling on the sword they swear never to wave like a flag!. I mean "By The Power Of Grayskull!" So an honors in Philosophy makes them valuable comodities in poem-recital circles, patting each other on the back for officially thinking in a clique or university!. At which point does this 'unique thinking' become a cult or church of it's own!? We all turn blue and stiff when the time comes, what we believe before and after is up to you, and for that, respect is the only valuable thing I can offer you along the way!. Read what you like, write what you like; let Richard & Judy & entertain the masses if all they like to do as a married couple in bed is read!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

While he may be all those things you listed, his arguments are a representation of how atheists really feel!. I've read it, and I pretty much agree with everything he said!. So if you want to hear an atheists perspective, read it!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I'm a christian and I've read it!. What a load of rubbish, one man saying he doesn't beleive in God therefore there is no God!.

Peace be with you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Although I'm interested in Atheists views I personally cant stomach Richard Dawkins, put plain and simply he's just one of those blokes you want to punch!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why not just ignore the recommendation!. If your belief is strong then you would not be listening to them anyway!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Why are you putting yourself in situations where people are recommending this book to you!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

ITs a great read :DWww@QuestionHome@Com

I persoally don't know the book , I don't know what it says, just be aware!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

number 3 is the main reason i don't like dawkins!.

he's a hack!.

go write about plants numb nuts!.Www@QuestionHome@Com