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Question: Anyone else hate twilight in general!?
I am mad that Twilight has taken over so much!. I was hooked on the first book, then I read the second and the third and already knew what was going to happen before the end of the book!. Guess what!? I was right!. I feel that the author stretched the book to make it so she could write more, then I felt like I was reading characters that were too predictable and kept making mistakes!. The books in general are just stupid because it is made for adults (Yes it really is) but teenage girls are in love with it only because it pertains to a too perfect vampire guy who is a jerk to Bella!.

It makes me sick to think that people are comparing it to the Harry Potter series which is WAY better then the twilight series!. It kept all ages hooked, always kept you guessing till the end then it still kept you guessing!. (Though the ending was a little cliche) and the characters were awesome!.

I am just wondering, is everyone brainwashed with twilight!? Or are there other people who agree with me!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
personally, I only read the 1st book and found it vapid and poorly written!. I CAN'T STAND the characters!. And the way people (mostly pre-teens or early teens who don't know any better) gush over how wonderful and romantic it is, I just want to puke!. It's fluff writing, with poorly executed characters, and the most annoyingly obvious plot that I have ever read!. I don't know how this series (or really the author) has become so popular!. It makes no sense!. I could write a book about how much I hate twilight!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I adore Twilight, but like the person above me, I am not crazy obsessed with it!. I'm not going to the midnight release party dressed up like the characters or anything like that, and I don't talk about it at every chance I get!. I just really love reading them - I have before all the hype!.

But about reading a spoiler for the last book, I'm afraid thats impossible - there are no spoilers yet!. Near august, maybe, but not yet!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love the book, but i hate the obsessive people that have read it!. I mean, seriously, people make that book their life!.!.!.
it's really weird!. That's my favorite series, but i have other favorites too, and i'm not obsessed with it like some other scary people are!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I beg to differ, i love twilight and i think its a great book and Stephenie Meyer did an amazing job writing it! i have no idea how you got spoilers for breaking dawn, i don't think its possible!. and i don't compare twilight to HP, i love them both fro different reasonsWww@QuestionHome@Com

i've never really been that interested in twighlight!. i was a HUGE harry potter fan (until the abominations that were book 6 and 7) and i tried to read twightlight to see what all the hoopla was about!. but it never just reached out and hooked me like hp did!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I totally agree!. All my friends are obsessed and don't know a thing about literature!. They cannot seem to comprehend just how vapid and insipid the entire plot is!. I have way too much rage towards those books, it's gotta be unhealthy!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

It was predictable, the characters were boring, Bella got on my nerves, and Edward, in my perspective, was not charming at all!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Thanks So much for that beacuse i was just about to read it and to ur Question yea it seems like everyone is brainwashed with itWww@QuestionHome@Com

I'm glad I'm not the only one who thought the books were too predictable!. I gave the series a chance against my better judgment, and ended up liking the first book!. But then the others!.!.!.just!.!.!.no!. No!. Bella kept getting worse and worse!. I hate extremely submissive females (a little bit is okay)--and it's even worse when she's the protagonist! Chicks dig Edward because he's the ultimate boyfriend any girl could have!. I rather stay single, then!. He's too possessive!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

wow!. First of all!.!.!. no!.!.!.!. it was made for YOUNG ADULTS!. That usually means ages 13-19 and early twenties!. It's great that older people get into them though!.!.!. and second, I do respect your opinion, and I agree with the fact that they shouldn't compare Twilight to HP!.!.!.!. but only because Harry Potter, in my opinion, is not as amazing!. I did really enjoy the HP books, but EVERY HP book was so boring in the first few chapters, that I almost just didn't read them!. Luckily my patience prevailed and they got much better!. But yeah!.!.!.to actually answer your question!.!.!. Um!. Pretty much every teen girl is actually!. !.!.!.and some guys!.!.!.!. All power to them though, I guess lol!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love Twilight, I really do!.

But I would NEVER compare it to HP!. I love HP ten times more!. While the ending is cliche, I can't stop reading it!.

There's just something about Twilight that I can't stop reading!. But no, I'm not brainwashed!. I still love it though!.
& I've ehard about a spoiler!. I don't think it's %100 true though!. She wouldn't end the book with Bella sleeping with Jacob, and Edward just walking in and telling him to watch his back!. If we even have the same one!. There has to be something more!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Me too! And Bella is really stupid - both Edward and Jacob show all the signs of being controlling/abusive/a jerk further in the relationship!. Seriously, they're the kind of guys that girls always end up telling their friends 'Don't date him, this won't end well'!. True, Harry Potter is way better than Twilight, but at the same time it isn't as good as Lord of the Rings (that's my little annoyance about it, Rowling is good, but not close to Tolkien, but you have to be very into literature and mythology especially to appreciate it much)!.

Plus, the whole high-school relationship thing really just seems lame to me!.!.!. I'm in college, and I've seen dozens, if not hundreds, of high school couples who were sure they'd be 'in love forever' split up by Thanksgiving, or Christmas at the latest, regardless of whether they go to school across the country or live in the same dorm at the same school!. Too much drama and teen romance, not enough stuff about the vampires and the little potentially interesting bits of their lives (ie, can a vampire catch a disease from contaminated blood!? How do they stay sane if they can't sleep - meditation!? What would happen if they tried to sleep!?)!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

As usual, Bella said everything way better than I ever could! You go girl! But I have no idea where you got the idea that Twilight is made for adults!. It's a teen book!. I think you're confusing them with The Host!.

Personally, I like Twilight not because of Edward (I think he's just okay, but not great, actually) and Bella (sometimes I can relate to her, other times she annoys the life out of me) or the plot (it can be cliche) but because of all the other characters, especially Jacob, and how intense the books are!.

So, no, I'm not brainwashed with it!. There are other books way better than Twilight and Harry Potter (to me these are on the same level)!. Like Phantom of the Opera!. I love Phantom of the Opera!.

But overall, I'm a fan and proud of it!. Bring on the thumbs down!Www@QuestionHome@Com

People are brainwashed because Edward has brainwashed them!. He's a gentleman!.!.!.his whole family is cool, but personally I cannot stand Bella!.

Sure, I read the books!. The first one only interested me at the end, the second one was horrid, the third is my favorite!.

Yeah, I'm waiting for the movie, just because I like to see the movie version!.!.it's always worse, I just do!. I want her to get bitten because it will be cool, and hopefully pretty final!.

I like the books, they are interesting!. Maybe not to this *huge* point, as I have read better books, but they are not altogether bad!.Www@QuestionHome@Com