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Position:Home>Books & Authors> For Julie Albright - You asked why everyone likes Bella from "Twilight"

Question: For Julie Albright - You asked why everyone likes Bella from "Twilight" so much!.!.!.!.!?
I got sick of seeing people constantly complaining about Twilight and still taking the time to write how much they hate it!. I apologize for taking it out on you!. Just because you don't like Bella doesn't mean you were knocking the book, So in the name of reconciliation: My answer to your question:

I like Bella's character for what I believe are the same reasons that Edward fell in love with her!. Because she is imperfect, she is the least likely candidate to receive the eternal love of a vampire!. Bella has never really connected with anything before, not her changeable mother, not her distant father, not a friend or a clique, nothing!. I think that is why she falls so easily for Edward, she connects with him on some level she doesn't understand!. She isn't the typical heroin, nor is she like anyone else!. Stephenie Meyer makes many references throughout the books about how Bella lives in her own mind!. This is what draws Edward to her, and also what makes her interesting!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
I agree with you I also like Bella's character not as much as Jasper but I still find her so different from almost all of the fictional characters out there!. She is flawed and knows it which is why when she finds Edward and they connect on a level she has never known before she is willing to risk everything including her life every time she is with Edward!. She is a hopelessly in love in a way we haven't seen since Elizabeth Bennett and Mr Darcy, and Jane Eyre and Mr!. Rochester, and Cathy and Heathcliff!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I totally agree with you!! I love Bella's character! I love how Edward is so drawn to her, and how she is so lovably imperfect!. She's the perfect heroine, and I can really relate to her!. There are some books in which the author describes the main character as "perfect" and that seriously gets on my nerves!! I love Bella alot and her point of view is great!. I love Twilight, and I love Bella like a sister! She's an awesome character, Twilight, New Moon, and Eclipse are awesome books, and Stephenie Meyer is an awesome writer!! :)Www@QuestionHome@Com

I agree with you one hundred percent!. When searching for Bella's personality, you don't find much of it because she does live in her own mind far more than she does socially - at least, with her (ex) high school peers!.
Twilight is slammed, I think, because so many people love it and the people that don't want to see it on a higher level are the ones that want to seem like they're incredibly different, yet they all listen to The Used or My Chemical Romance!. xD Anyway, nice retaliation!. Most of those questions are bombarded with the ridiculous fangirl act, but to see one hold intelligence is always refreshing!. (;Www@QuestionHome@Com

I dont think this is a question but I totally agree with you!. I mean I dont get why everyone hates me so much!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I completely agree with you!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

I totally agree with you!. Bella is imperfect but sweet and lovable!. Okay, she might slip up a few times, but don't we all!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

i am with you 100%Www@QuestionHome@Com

im another one of the ppl who agree with you!.!.im getting tired of ppl getting angry at Bella's character!.!.!.they question her whole character, they question her imperfectness but they do not realize that this is what makes each individual distinct from another, their imperfectness!.!.!.!.i constantly see ppl saying that Bella never stands up for self, she always does what Edward tell hers to blah blah but do these ppl ever stop to think that this her character, its something they would do!.!.!.its something a lot of ppl would do if they were in her place!.!.!.!.Bella's clumsiness and her shyness is what makes her her!.!.!.!.!.shes different then every character which makes her unique!.!.!.!.her and Edward perfect together as they fulfil each other's needsWww@QuestionHome@Com

I understand what you mean, but people get tired of seeing her be constantly saved by Edward and acting like she can not care for herself!. She's a beautiful character, but she needs to learn to take care of herself, and that's why people don't like her!. Every book ends the same way- they get into a fight with a vampire and Edward has to save her!. Why can't she save HIM for a change!? She's interesting but boring!. I'm a fan of the books and can't wait for the next one but I can see how people don't like them!.Www@QuestionHome@Com