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Question: What do you think of Breaking Dawn by Stephanie Meyer Chapter 1!?
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Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
It left me very uneasy!. First of all Edward bought her a car and Bella hates being the center of attention! But the fact that her parents seemed ok with it led me to believe that maybe she was ok with it more now than before!. also when Renee tells Bella that she's just like her father, when she makes a decision and sticks with it - looks like a good sign because in the very first book Bella describes herself the same exact way!. So I'm counting on her not to go back on her word! Oh and her happy place is Edward!. How much more sweet does it get!?Www@QuestionHome@Com

I love it especially how he buys her the new car and the mercedes guard and then her ivy league college thing and her credit card and all of that!. but the preface kind of scares me!. it maes me wonder if edward is going to do something to hurt bella!. im scared!.lol
TEAM EDWARD!Www@QuestionHome@Com

I couldn't even finish reading it!. It took that one time of Bella being irked by the word "fiance" to set me off, roll my eyes, and put the book back on the shelf!. Of course I'll read it but I'd rather just read it all!. They only make special editions to make more money!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

haha i really like it!
i found it funny how he got her a car with missile proof glass!
and then she was like 'he probably laughed about it with his brothers'

i dont like how she seems to be having second thoughts though!
i really want her to get married and turn into a vampire :DWww@QuestionHome@Com