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Position:Home>Books & Authors> How do you find/select a ghost writer to write for you?

Question: How do you find/select a ghost writer to write for you!?
What are some good companies or places to find a good ghost writer in your area that can take your life story and turn it into at least a small book!?

How much will it cost to hire them on average!? Assuming you can get them on a flat rate or a reasonable per page average!?

What issues should a person hiring one be aware of!? Anything someone need to look out for in terms of hiring a bad one, or a scam!? Anything to look for that's sign of a good one aside from basic professionalism!?

Not wanting one of the best, simply someone credible!.Www@QuestionHome@Com

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:
When I was researching writing I came across Ghostwriters for hire!. Try a Google search!.

ALL EXPERTS online has a writing section and if not in their archives you can write directly for free advice!.Www@QuestionHome@Com